[MINC-users] minc-toolkit-v2 compilation

Jérôme Redouté redoute at cermep.fr
Tue May 3 10:46:48 EDT 2016

Could someone help me to set up my debian environment for compiling 
minc-toolkit-v2 using git repository?

> |git clone --recursive https://github.com/BIC-MNI/minc-toolkit-v2.git 
> minc-toolkit-v2 |
allows me to copy all the repository.. but how can I compile the develop 
branch only?

is there specific instructions for ccmake et make?

Thanks for your help

Jérôme Redouté
Ph.D. - Ingénieur de Recherche - Université Claude Bernard - Lyon1
CERMEP - Imagerie du vivant
59 Bd Pinel. 69677 Bron - FRANCE
tel : 33 (0)4 72 68 86 18 (bureau)
tel : 33 (0)4 72 68 86 00 (standard)
fax : 33 (0)4 72 68 86 10

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