[MINC-users] from surface to adjacency

Pierre Bellec pbellec at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 26 16:06:07 EDT 2010

Dear minc users,

I am currently trying to adapt a region-growing procedure for surface data.
The procedure is using a representation of the adjacency matrix between
vertices, i.e. a matrix (vertices times vertices) with 1s for pairs of
vertices that are spatial neighbours on the surface, and 0 otherwise. I sort
of understood that the order of the vertices in the obj file is very
specific and follows an iterative refinement of the surface grid. Can anyone
suggest an approach to generate the adjacency matrix based on the .obj data

Thank you in advance,

Pierre Bellec
Post-doctoral fellow
McConnel Brain Imaging Center, Webster 2B
Montreal Neurological Institute
3801 University Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2B4
tel:       (001)(514) 398 5220
fax:      (001)(514) 398 8948

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