[MINC-users] compiling dyld, 32, 64?

Alexandre CARMEL-VEILLEUX acveilleux at mrs.mni.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 6 14:09:47 EST 2009

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 01:46:00PM -0500, Dale Einarson wrote:
> Hello,
>       Forgive me for starting a new thread but the former seemed to be  
> a couple of separate issue.
>    I built all of he minc tool avail on packages for Mac but not  
> without a lot of pain.  I wanted to mention stuff like HDF 1.6.6  
> getting CPPFLAGS in reverse order... and libtool not getting the "- 
> arch x86_64" arg to gcc, g++ ...    Ignorantly, I had built my own  
> version of MINC because I kept getting "wrong architecture" errors  
> form lots of stuff I wanted to build...  I now realize that libtool  
> doesn't know that you are trying to build x86_64(see ugly hack below).
>      Would anyone like to share some folklore in regards to building  
> on MacOS?  Is there any way to get glibtool to know the *FLAGS from  
> your environment?

	I've found that the "correct" solution is usually to rebuild the
entire auto* tool chain. With the problems being in the pre-generated
shell scripts (like libtool and configure) not being too aware of Mac
specificities and often very old.

	In the case of HDF for example, my expedient "solution" was
to run configure on the latest HDF5 package and the 1.6 one and copy
the 1.8 libtool in the 1.6 directory. Dirty but it works quickly and
it avoids having to hand fix god knows how many build scripts.

	From memory, most of the minc tools did well with:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/{mni,bic} CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" CPPFLAGS="-arch x86_64" CXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64" LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64" [--with-minc2]

	Libraries were more trouble, especially really old ones like
IJG's jpeg6b. In at least one case, I hand-linked a library rather then
fix the build script (EZTK IIRC, *poke* at Bruce for that...)

	Hope this helps a bit.


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