[MINC-users] compiling dyld, 32, 64?

Dale Einarson dale at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 6 13:46:00 EST 2009

      Forgive me for starting a new thread but the former seemed to be  
a couple of separate issue.

   I built all of he minc tool avail on packages for Mac but not  
without a lot of pain.  I wanted to mention stuff like HDF 1.6.6  
getting CPPFLAGS in reverse order... and libtool not getting the "- 
arch x86_64" arg to gcc, g++ ...    Ignorantly, I had built my own  
version of MINC because I kept getting "wrong architecture" errors  
form lots of stuff I wanted to build...  I now realize that libtool  
doesn't know that you are trying to build x86_64(see ugly hack below).

     Would anyone like to share some folklore in regards to building  
on MacOS?  Is there any way to get glibtool to know the *FLAGS from  
your environment?

Sadly I have had to do such ugly hacks as,
	perl -pi -e 's/-O2 -g x86_64 -arch/-g -O2 -arch x86_64/g' Makefile */ 
Makefile */*/Makefile */*/*/Makefile

	perl -pi -e 's/-fno-builtin/-arch x86_64 -fno-builtin/g' libtool
	perl -pi -e 's/-dynamiclib/-dynamiclib -arch x86_64/g' libtool

Ricks demo got line wrapped so I have provided a line-wrap'able copy.

cat <<EOF>test.c
#include <stdio.h>;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	 return 0;


gcc -o test-64 -arch x86_64 test.c
gcc -o test-32 -arch i386 test.c
lipo -create test-64 test-32 -output test-fat

#  an added toy,  just in case you wanted to save bits ;}
arch -arch i386      ./test-fat
arch -arch x86_64 ./test-fat


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