[MINC-users] align PET to MRT using minctracc (stripscalp missing)

Oliver Winz minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue May 17 07:42:04 2005

Hi everyone,

I want to align a individual PET to an individual MRT using minctracc. 
I've got a perl script "mritopet" where i read, that it is beneficial to 
autocrop the MRT and after that to strip the scalp befor using 
minctracc. To strip the scalp the script uses "stripscalp", but i don't 
have this program. Where can i get it? or what other tools can i used to 
strip the scalp.



Oliver Winz, M.Sc.
AG Molekulares Neuroimaging
Institut für Medizin (IME)
Forschungszentrum Jülich
D-52425 Jülich

Tel.: (02461) 61-6493
Internet: http://www.fz-juelich.de/ime/mni
Ort: Gebäude 15.9, Raum 3010