[MINC-users] icbm probabilistic atlas

Andrew Janke Andrew Janke <a.janke@gmail.com>
Tue Jun 14 04:45:05 2005

On 06/06/05, Daniel Schwarz <schwarzd@feec.vutbr.cz> wrote:
> I need to get
> icbm452_atlas_probability_white.hdr,
> icbm452_atlas_probability_gray.hdr and
> icbm452_atlas_probability_csf.hdr
> aligned with
> icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_lin.mnc
> I used ana2mnc to get the atlases into mnc format. Is there a simple way
> how to crop/pad the images to get them aligned with icbm_avg_152....?


I am unfamiliar with this atlas, but:

presuming the icbm452 images are indeed aligned in ICBM space (I
suspect that they are) and presuming they orginate from SPM somewhere.
 Then you are best of to convert using spm2mnc or nii2mnc.  ana2mnc
ignores a few of things that SPM does with the ANALYZE header.

nii2mnc is a new converter written by Bert Vincent for NifTi-1 data
that is now included in minc 1.4.

If this all fails then you are going to have to perform a registration
between the models using  mritotal/mritoself.

Can you provide a copy of this model or a source to download it?

Andrew Janke      (a.janke@gmail.com || www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor)
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