[MINC-users] Mincextract to get voxel values and coordinates?

Jason Lerch jason@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue Nov 16 15:42:04 2004

On Nov 16, 2004, at 2:09 PM, Dylan WAGNER wrote:
>       Also thank you for the location of mincbet. So now I'm confronted
> with three choices. Mincbet, skullstrip and the preprocessing method on
> on the wiki page for VBM. It's a bloody buffet of skullstripping 
> methods!
> Any reason why one would be better? The method on the VBM seems more
> tailored to each individual subject, though longer to carry out.

The basic answer: they all suck. I think that the method on the VBM 
pages sucks least of the lot, but I know that others disagree. There 
has never been a study which compared all these methods, though this 
paper here might help (it does not compare our cortical_surface method 
that is described in the VBM pages):

Boesen K, Rehm K, Schaper K, Stoltzner S, Woods R, Luders E, Rottenberg 
Quantitative comparison of four brain extraction algorithms.
Neuroimage. 2004 Jul;22(3):1255-61.



>              Best,
>                    DDW