[MINC-users] mincblur bug

Natasha Kovacevic nkovacev@sickkids.ca
Mon Jul 19 11:55:04 2004

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Greetings to all,

Here at MICe we have discovered a bug in mincblur. The bug became
obvious when we applied it to cropped mouse brain images which have the
property that the minimum value in the image is some positive number. 

The culprit is function apodize_data (in file mincblur/apodize_data.c).
The scale factor which is applied to near edge voxels seems to assume
that the range of data is from 0 to some positive number. John Sled and
I had some discussions on how to fix this. He has written a patch which
fixes this by introducing an offset. This patched version is attached
bellow. Its intent is to minimally disrupt the known behavior of

On the other hand, there is another way of fixing this bug: define
offset as the minimum value within the entire image (this would slow
things down because true min would have to be calculated first). The
effect would be to smooth edge discontinuities rather then to apodize.

We will patch our version, but would like to know the thoughts of
mni_autoreg developers so that we can have the same versions.

Best regards,


Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=apodize_data.c
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/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : apodize data.c
@INPUT      : volume of data + depth of apodization on each surface.
@CREATED    : Mon Jul  5 13:35:04 EST 1993 Louis Collins
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#include <config.h>
#include <volume_io.h>
#include <print_error.h>

#define GWID1 0.75
#define GWID2 0.9

/* return the value of the normal distribution (that has a  */
/* normalized height of 1.0,  given sigma, x and mu         */
/*  all in mm                                               */
private float normal_height(float fwhm,float mu,float x)
   float sigma,t2,f;

   sigma = fwhm/2.35482;

   if (sigma==0) {
      if (x==mu)
	 f = 1.0;
	 f = 0;
   else {
      t2 = (x-mu)*(x-mu)/(2*sigma*sigma);
      f = exp(-t2);


public void apodize_data(Volume data, 
			 double xramp1,double xramp2,
			 double yramp1,double yramp2,
			 double zramp1,double zramp2)
    scale1,scale2, scale;
    valid_min, valid_max,
    real_min, real_max,


  get_volume_sizes(data, sizes);
  get_volume_separations(data, step);
  get_volume_voxel_range(data, &valid_min, &valid_max);
  get_volume_real_range(data, &real_min, &real_max);

  /* compute offset so that apodization does not produce values outside
     of real_min, real_max range */
  if (real_min > 0.0) {
    offset = real_min;
  else if (real_max < 0.0) {
    offset = real_max;
  else {
    offset = 0.0;

  if (zramp1 > ABS(step[Z])/2) {

    /* number of slices to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*zramp1/ABS(step[Z]) + 0.5);      

    if (num_steps>ABS(sizes[Z])) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than slice dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(slice, 0, num_steps) {
      scale1 = normal_height( zramp1*GWID1, 1.25*zramp1, (float)slice*ABS(step[Z]));
      scale2 = normal_height( zramp1*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - slice)*ABS(step[Z]));

      scale = INTERPOLATE( slice/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);

      for_less(row, 0, sizes[Y]) {
	for_less(col, 0, sizes[X]) {

	  GET_VOXEL_3D(voxel_value, data, col, row, slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {

	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);

	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;

	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);

	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, col, row, slice, voxel_value);


  if (zramp2 > ABS(step[Z])/2 ) {

    /* number of slices to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*zramp2/ABS(step[Z]) + 0.5);      

    if (num_steps>sizes[Z]) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than slice dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(slice, 0, num_steps) {
      scale1 = normal_height( zramp2*GWID1, 1.25*zramp2, (float)slice*ABS(step[Z]));
      scale2 = normal_height( zramp2*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - slice)*ABS(step[Z]));
      scale = INTERPOLATE( slice/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);

      for_less(row, 0, sizes[Y]) {
	for_less(col, 0, sizes[X]) {

	  GET_VOXEL_3D(voxel_value, data, col, row, sizes[Z]-1-slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {
	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);
	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;
	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);
	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, col, row, sizes[Z]-1-slice, voxel_value);
  if (yramp1 > ABS(step[Y])/2 ) {
				/* number of rows to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*yramp1/ABS(step[Y]) + 0.5);      

    if (num_steps>sizes[Y]) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than col dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(row, 0, num_steps) {
      scale1 = normal_height( yramp1*GWID1, 1.25*yramp1, (float)row*ABS(step[Y]));
      scale2 = normal_height( yramp1*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - row)*ABS(step[Y]));
      scale = INTERPOLATE( row/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);

      for_less(slice, 0, sizes[Z]) {
	for_less(col, 0, sizes[X]) {
	  GET_VOXEL_3D(voxel_value, data, col, row, slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {
	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);
	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;
	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);
	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, col, row, slice, voxel_value);

  if (yramp2 > ABS(step[Y])/2) {
				/* number of rows to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*yramp2/ABS(step[Y]) + 0.5);      
    if (num_steps>sizes[Y]) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than col dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(row, 0, num_steps) {
      scale1 = normal_height( yramp2*GWID1, 1.25*yramp2, (float)row*ABS(step[Y]));
      scale2 = normal_height( yramp2*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - row)*ABS(step[Y]));
      scale = INTERPOLATE( row/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);
      for_less(slice, 0, sizes[Z]) {
	for_less(col, 0, sizes[X]) {
	  GET_VOXEL_3D(voxel_value, data, col, sizes[Y]-1-row, slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {
	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);
	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;
	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);
	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, col, sizes[Y]-1-row, slice, voxel_value);
  if (xramp1 > ABS(step[X])/2) {
				/* number of slices to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*xramp1/ABS(step[X]) + 0.5);      
    if (num_steps>sizes[X]) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than col dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(col, 0, num_steps) {

      scale1 = normal_height( xramp1*GWID1, 1.25*xramp1, (float)col*ABS(step[X]));
      scale2 = normal_height( xramp1*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - col)*ABS(step[X]));
      scale = INTERPOLATE( col/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);

      for_less(slice, 0, sizes[Z]) {
	for_less(row, 0, sizes[Y]) {
	  GET_VOXEL_3D( voxel_value, data, col, row, slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {
	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);
	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;
	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);
	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, col, row, slice, voxel_value);
  if (xramp2 > ABS(step[X])/2) {
				/* number of slices to be apodized */
    num_steps = ROUND( 1.25*xramp2/step[X] + 0.5);      

    if (num_steps>sizes[X]) {
      print_error_and_line_num("FWHM is greater than col dimension\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    for_less(col, 0, num_steps) {
      scale1 = normal_height( xramp2*GWID1, 1.25*xramp2, (float)col*ABS(step[X]));
      scale2 = normal_height( xramp2*GWID2, 0.0, (float)(num_steps - 1 - col)*ABS(step[X]));
      scale = INTERPOLATE( col/(num_steps-1.0) , scale1, scale2);

      for_less(slice, 0, sizes[Z]) {
	for_less(row, 0, sizes[Y]) {
	  GET_VOXEL_3D( voxel_value, data, sizes[X]-1-col, row, slice);
	  if (voxel_value >= valid_min && voxel_value <= valid_max) {
	    real_value = CONVERT_VOXEL_TO_VALUE(data, voxel_value);
	    real_value = (real_value - offset) * scale + offset;
	    voxel_value = CONVERT_VALUE_TO_VOXEL(data, real_value);
	    SET_VOXEL_3D( data, sizes[X]-1-col, row, slice, voxel_value);
