[MINC-development] MINC with NetCDF 4.4?

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Sun Aug 23 12:43:03 EDT 2015


On August 23, 2015 08:21:02 AM Robert D. Vincent wrote:

> Yes, we are mostly building directly off the github tree these days. I have
> not tried building with NetCDF > 4.X. As you probably know, it's surprising
> to see these particular test failures, as the general transform code should
> not contain many code paths that rely on NetCDF.

Yes, but note that tests only fail if I enable MINC1 support (which is off by 
default).  Without MINC1 there are no failures.

> How did you add 4.4 to the build - i.e. what is the URL of the NetCDF
> tarball you are using?

I am using Debian "unstable" which contains 4.4 by default as of a few days 
ago.  Actually, I see the version tag is "4.4.0~rc2", so probably this:


> Which project are you building - libminc, minc-tools, or minc-toolkit (the
> all-encompassing meta-project)?

I am presently building libminc.  Both master and develop branches show test 

Previously, I was building the old minc 2.2.00 (which I believe is the same as 
the current libminc + minc-tools ?) using netcdf 4.3.  I configured that with 
both MINC1 and MINC2 support and there were no test failures.  When netcdf 4.4 
showed up, there were test failures with this source base -- which is what 
prompted me to look at updating the minc sources.  

GIven all that, it really smells like netcdf 4.4 has changed something that 
minc1 fundamentally relies on.  I haven't had a chance to actually look at 
code, though.


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