[BIC-announce] Smokers needed!!!

Ji Hyun Ko kojinet at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Mon Jun 5 10:34:22 EDT 2006


We are looking for participants for a TMS/fMRI study: 18 to 35 years old, right-handed, have no history of or current neurolgoical or psychiatric medical condition. The participants should be a smoker (15+ cigarettes/day), and be able to come to the lab on Mon(5th) or Tue(6th) for the eligibility test. And also need to come in the morning of Wed(7th) and Fri(9th) and in the afternoon of Mon(12th) and Tue(13th). Participants will be compensated for 300$. For further information, please contact us: 

Email: thayashi at bic.mni.mcgill.ca 
Phone: 514-398-4455 Ext: 089469
Location: WB 214D


Takuya Hayashi
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