[MINC-users] Subdividing a coloured surface object

Andrew Wood andrew at biospective.com
Sat Nov 18 14:11:43 EST 2017

Hi all,

I have a .txt surface atlas defined on an object that I'd like to
subdivide, and I'm trying to get the same atlas defined on my highres
surface. So far I've tried this:

# Apply the colors to the object
$ Display  surf_lowres.obj  -vertex atlas_lowres.txt   # File->Save File

# Subdivide the coloured mesh
$ subdivide_polygons surf_lowres_coloured.obj  surf_hires_coloured.obj

$ Display  surf_hires_coloured.obj

I've also tried subdividing the polygons right in Display. In both cases,
the vertex colours were lost. Is there a way to apply the same subdivision
process to atlas values?


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