[MINC-users] mincmath

Caroline Paquette caroline.paquette at mcgill.ca
Sun May 22 19:32:25 EDT 2016

We are using mincmath to multiply a volume (PET acquired with HRRT) by a 
brain mask, which should be simple. Some outputs are non-zero outside 
the brain (although these same voxels are zero in the mask file!). Error 
is random as some of the files multiplied by the same mask are zero 
while others are non-zero (e.g., 3 trials for the same subject, images 
are realigned so we use the same brain mask).
Any advice? Is this a known problem? We tried writing the files float 
and using different combinations of file formats without success. Files 
were converted from ecat (original) to nifti in matlab using the 
spm_ecattonii function. Preprocessing was done with SPM12 and then 
converted to minc with nii2mnc (we also tried some options with the 
import without success).
Thank you,

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