[MINC-users] Missing 'time' dimension in Dicom to Minc conversion

Andrew Wood andrew at biospective.com
Tue Sep 24 14:02:31 EDT 2013

Hi All,

I'm trying to convert some 4D PET data from Dicom to Minc, and the time
dimension is disappearing. Here's tail of the output from dcm2mnc from the
minctools develop branch (I have the same problem with various releases).

0. Slice axis length 109
 1. Echo axis length 1
 2. Time axis length 6
 3. Phase axis length 1
 4. ChmSh axis length 1
 0. Z axis length 1 step 2.027, start 189.011, cosines 0.000,0.000,1.000
 1. Y axis length 336 step -1.018, start 353.003, cosines 0.000,1.000,-0.000
 2. X axis length 336 step -1.018, start 170.771, cosines 1.000,0.000,-0.000
SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008.
Images in acquisition: -1
Acquisitions in series: -1
3D raw partitions: -1
Pixel minimum -32768.0000000000 maximum 32767.0000000000
Window minimum 0.0000000000 maximum 15283.7890625000
Directory /data/scratch/andrew/235108_20130620_144450 exists...
MINC file name:
Patient name:    235108
Study ID:        20130620.144450
Acquisition ID:  3
Registration date:  20130620
Registration time:  144450.234
Rows 336 columns 336 slices 109/109
Time axis length: 1/6
Writing 654 images to MINC file
Created minc file
Done processing files.

It correctly identified that there are 6 time frames, however:
mincinfo /data/scratch/andrew/235108_20130620_144450/235108_20130620_144450_3d1_pet.mnc
image: signed__ short -32768 to 32767
image dimensions: zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    zspace                    109        2.027      189.011
    yspace                    336     -1.01821      353.003
    xspace                    336     -1.01821      170.771

Has anyone run into this before?


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