[MINC-users] mincreshape segfault and general behavior

Soren Christensen sorench at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 22:04:25 EDT 2013

Thanks again for comments,

> - I am not sure why you would simulate noise for this example, that just
> seems to make things harder to see
Sure - I just wanted some quick values for numerical comparison. I added
the circle to see how the edges were affected.

> - the mincreshape call that you used simply crops the image, from
> 512x512x2 to 128x128x1, it wouldn't change anything to the actual
> (remaining) voxel values at all.
Mind you i am not using -dimrange here which I could have used for a crop.
To me a crop preserves the steps. That's not the case here, the steps
behave as you'd expect for volume averaging (and I believe inconsistent
with a crop):
s at s-IdeaCentre-K450:/data2/matlabwork/simcode$ mi test.mnc test_reshaped.mnc
file: test.mnc
image: signed__ float 0 to 1
image dimensions: time zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    time                        1      unknown      unknown
    zspace                      2            1            0
    yspace                    512           -1            0
    xspace                    512           -1            0

file: test_reshaped.mnc
image: signed__ float 0 to 1
image dimensions: time zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    time                        1            1            0
    zspace                      1            2          0.5
    yspace                    128           -4         -1.5
    xspace                    128           -4         -1.5

> mincresample -like test.mnc test_reshaped.mnc test_new.mnc
and look at the difference between test.mnc and test_new.mnc, you should
> see that it has zero difference in the 128x128x1 region that you cropped.
I believe it is evident from the dims and sizes that it is not a crop here.
If I follow your suggestion I get an empty image out (max=0), I believe
this is because the source voxelcenter is not exactly 0.5 voxel from the
target grid.

It's definitely not a crop. If it was, the circle you see (from slice 0)
would come out clean. It is not. It's mixed with noise (strongly assumed
from slice 1).
I would think a crop would require starts and lengths too - not just

> - it is not immediately clear to me why your matlab code/diff seems too
> agree with the volume averaging idea, but I'm sure there is a logical
> explanation for it
I still don't see anything to suggest it is not volume averaging. It's
definitely not a crop - I have used it extensively recently and I'd see
about a quarter of my images missing. If it was a nearest neighbor
re-sampling I would not see edge blurring.

I had a look at the code but it is beyond me.
I think they core of it is here:

    if (really_copy_the_data) {

      /* Read in the data */
      (void) miicv_get(reshape_info->icvid, input_start, input_count,

      /* Write it out */
      (void) ncvarputg(reshape_info->outmincid, reshape_info->outimgid,
                       output_start, output_count, NULL,


I have trouble understanding from the ncvarputg call how this would iterate
over inputs contained in the output voxel (assuming it does volume
average), but maybe someone here can help.


-- A
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:21 PM, Soren Christensen <sorench at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback Alex,
>>  Well I guess a peek at the code is coming closer..
>> I ran a little test making a 512*512*2 noise image (std 1, mena 0 ) with
>> a circle in the middle (to better see edge blurring).
>> (figure below - also sent to your email to make sure you see the image)
>> 1) Volume average in 4x4x2 blocks in Matlab
>> 2) mincreshape to 128x128x1
>> The images differ by maximally 4.9596e-08 which I guess is precision
>> issues - since I simulated a double but store a single.
>> So unless somehow interpolation in this particular case is supposed to
>> yield a similar result (my understanding is that biliniear interpolation
>> uses immediate neighbors, but here we are in a 4x4 neighborhood so it
>> should not - it may have been similar for a 2x2x2 case).
>> So at least this seems to me that it is indeed volume averaging?
>> I'll have a look at the code later tonight, but hoping someone could
>> enlighten us..
>> Soren
>> clear
>> *%%sim image*
>> opimg=rand(512,512,2);
>> %save opimg opimg
>> %load opimg
>> [x,y]=meshgrid(1:512);
>> circ=sqrt((x-256).^2+(y-256).^2)<50;
>> opimg(128:383,128:383,1)=circ(128:383,128:383);
>> *%write + reshape*
>> mymincwrite(permute(opimg,[1 2 4 3]),'test.mnc',[])
>> system(['mincreshape -clobber -dimsize xspace=128 -dimsize yspace=128
>> -dimsize zspace=1 test.mnc test_reshaped.mnc'])
>> *%matlab volume averaging*
>> recon=zeros(128)*nan;
>> for irow=1:128
>>     for icol=1:128
>>         rindx=(irow-1)*4+1;
>>         cindx=(icol-1)*4+1;
>>         zindx=1:2;
>>         vals=opimg(rindx:(rindx+3),cindx:(cindx+3),zindx);
>>         recon(irow,icol)=mean( vals(:));
>>     end
>> end
>> sc(recon)
>> m=newmr('test_reshaped.mnc');
>> sc(m-recon)
>> tmp=m-recon;
>> maxabserr=max(abs(tmp(:)))
>> 1st  image: Simulated (2 concatted slices)
>> 2nd image:Mincresahped
>> 3rd: mincreshaped-matlab reshaped - see scale
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:56 PM, Alex Zijdenbos <zijdenbos at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Soren,
>>> Andrew can throw in his $0.02, but to my knowledge, neither
>>> mincreshape nor mincresample does the kind of volume averaging that
>>> you describe. MINC considers voxel values as a lattice of
>>> dimensionless point samples; the step sizes are distances between
>>> those points, and are therefore attributes of the volume, not the
>>> voxel.
>>> mincresample will interpolate between the point samples when it needs
>>> to, but it will not average. In other words, if you would use
>>> mincresample to downsample by a factor of 3 in all dimensions
>>> (collapse each 3x3x3 cube into a single voxel at the same point
>>> location), you are simply tossing out 26 of the 27 voxel values in
>>> each 3x3x3 cube - you are not averaging them. I have raised this a few
>>> times (very recently even), but even though it may be
>>> counter-intuitive to many, it is by Peter's design. In my scripts I
>>> usually call mincblur before mincresample when I know I will be
>>> downsampling.
>>> mincreshape will only massage how the lattice is arranged, allowing
>>> you to extract hyperslabs and etc; it does not change the point
>>> samples (voxel values), will not interpolate, and would/should
>>> certainly not do any averaging.
>>> Well that is all my understanding at least :)
>>> -- A
>>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:21 PM, Soren Christensen <sorench at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi Andrew,
>>> > It's a MINC2 file.
>>> >
>>> > Sorry I meant mincresample where marked below:
>>> >> > 3) Is it correctly understood that mincreshape does volume
>>> averaging for
>>> >> > downsizing as opposed to *mincresample* that will just use the
>>> specified
>>> >> > interpolation method?
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> > Let me make sure I understand this right. Are you saying mincreshape
>>> does
>>> > no volume averaging? If you reshape from a dimsize of 512 to 256 for
>>> > example, then isn't each voxel a 4x4 average of the input?
>>> >
>>> >  I just verified that it is, but maybe we mean different things by
>>> volume
>>> > averaging?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks
>>> >
>>> > Soren
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> a
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