[MINC-users] minc development tools on github

Miriam Friedel mfriedel at phenogenomics.ca
Wed Jul 18 10:38:19 EDT 2012

Hello everyone,  
Here at MICe we are working to consolidate the 
minc-based scripts and tools we've written into a single repository on 
github. We have many different useful pieces of code that we'd like to 
consolidate in one place. In particular, we'd like to do this in such a 
way that all members of the minc community feel welcome to use this repo
 and contribute their own tools as well.   
To this end, we 
thought an appropriate place to do this might be adding to the existing 
conglomerate repository, which is currently on github:  
 order to contribute to conglomerate, is it acceptable for new code to 
be compatible with minc2 files only, or must it be compatible with minc1
 as well?  If everything in conglomerate needs to be compatible with 
both minc1 and 2, then we will likely start a new repo, since much of 
our new code works with minc2 files only.   

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