[MINC-users] best_nonlin_reg.pl ?

Andrew Janke a.janke at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 20:09:44 EDT 2011

Hi Lisa,

> ...bestlinreg.xfm genmodel-work/07/avgxfm.xfm
>> Processing:........................miicv_attach: MINC package entry point
>> ncvarid: ncid -1: NetCDF: Not a valid ID

> I've tried using volgenmodel for two different fit.conf settings and get the
> same error at
> about the same time point in the course of running this script.
> This error appears some point after the "07" folder and some, if not all, of
> their contents are created in the working directory.
>  What could be some possible causes? Am I missing some other required
> script?

I have tried to make volgenmodel as resistant to steps failing as I
can but it would seem that there is always one more thing that can go
wrong....  My guess is that you have an incomplete xfm file in the 07
step folder and this is causing xfmavg to fail.

You can usually hunt down the culprit by going into this folder and
running minccomplete on all of the .mnc and .xfm files in there.


   $ ls *.mnc *.xfm | xargs -I {} minccomplete -verbose {}

If any of the files return a -1 instead of 0 something went amiss. The
best approach at this stage is to just remove this file and re-run
volgenmodel at which point it should pick up where it left off.


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