[MINC-users] dcm2mnc error, seems related to slice position/orientation

Andrew Janke a.janke at gmail.com
Thu May 1 01:37:31 EDT 2008

2008/5/1 Audette, Michel <Michel.Audette at medizin.uni-leipzig.de>:
>  that would make sense. I don't know much about these data. I was expecting something 3D, as it is called  DynaCT. I'll look at it with a Dicom viewer.

I would certainly echo Steve's sentiments on this. If you have access
to a Mac I can heartily recomend Osirix for "homogenising" problem
DICOM data.

ie: load into DICOM, export to a directory, convert to MINC.

Pity you need a Mac to run it as it is a great bit of software.  And
yes dcm2mnc does require 2D/3D data.


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