[MINC-users] using EMMA: possible without Mex?

Andrew Janke a.janke at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 16:31:53 EDT 2008

> > It uses the Mersenne Twister for random number generation and I am not
> > entirely sure on the license restrictions so dont include it MINC
> > proper until I can find out for sure.
> >
>  Maybe you could use GSL library, it includes this random number generator:
> http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Random-number-generator-algorithms.html

I could, (and originally did!) but the GPL is somewhat restrictive in
terms of the current MINC license. I would prefer a BSD license and I
think the current version I use is compatible with this but have to


Andrew Janke (a.janke at gmail.com || http://a.janke.googlepages.com/)
Canberra->Australia +61 (402) 700 883

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