[MINC-users] ensuring that mincreshape produces positive axes

Audette, Michel Michel.Audette at medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Thu Jul 27 09:46:48 EDT 2006

Hi everyone, 

I'm playing with minc volumes in Vtk, and I found that Marching Cubes seems to crash with negative axes. To resolve this, I tried mincreshape, only to get 2 out 3 axes become positive.  

maudette at icaw164201:~/research/source/work> mincreshape -clobber +direction becken_cancellous_crop3_blur.mnc becken_cancellous_crop3_blur_plus.mnc
Copying chunks:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Done.
maudette at icaw164201:~/research/source/work> mincinfo becken_cancellous_crop3_blur_plus.mnc
file: becken_cancellous_crop3_blur_plus.mnc
image: unsigned byte 0 to 255
image dimensions: zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    zspace                    290    -0.732422     -1423.84
    yspace                    209     0.732422     -217.525
    xspace                    191     0.732422     -33.7188

Is there a trick to achieving this, or do I have to use mincresample and re-specify start points? 



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