[MINC-users] Using MINC on Intel Macs

Paul Thompson thompson at loni.ucla.edu
Sun Jul 9 02:21:46 EDT 2006

Hi Andrew + everyone -

Has anyone had any luck building MINC tools on the new "Intel core"  
Macs, running OS 10.4 ("Tiger")?

I've downloaded Andrew's Mac OS 10.4 MINC package (from the link  
below - thanks Andrew!) but I think it was built on a PowerPC
Mac (running OS 10.4). For folks who are not used to Macs (!), Mac is  
now making very fast laptops that ship with Intel chips,
and they can often run applications built on a Mac PowerPC (using an  
built-in emulator called Rosetta). I tried out
Andrew's MINC package (URL is below) -- I noticed that Register and  
most of the main minc tools do run ok on my
Intel Mac running 10.4.7 (e.g. things like mincresample run fine).

However I can't link against the pre-compiled volume I/O libraries  
when I use gcc to build my own C code that reads MINC. gcc
complains with this:

/usr/bin/ld: warning /usr/local/mni/lib/libbicpl.a archive's cputype  
(18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (
7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (can't load from it)
/usr/bin/ld: warning /usr/local/mni/lib/libvolume_io.a archive's  
cputype (18, architecture ppc) does not match cputy
pe (7) for specified -arch flag: i386 (can't load from it)
/usr/bin/ld: warning /usr/local/mni/lib/libminc.a archive's cputype  
(18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7
) for specified -arch flag: i386 (can't load from it)

Has anyone built these libraries on Intel Macs? If so would you be  
willing to post the .a files (or even email them to Andrew to put on  
the web? ;)

Thanks a lot for any ideas! :)
(Paul Thompson, UCLA)

>>> a.janke at gmail.com 04/05/06 10:11 PM >>>
Hi Paul (and others)

I recompiled a bunch of them last night under 10.4 there were a few
small tweaks that were needed for POSIX compliance but by en large
things progressed smoothly.  For the packages that require external
libraries (bicpl and netpbm for example) I have used the fink
versions.  In the future I may use darwinports as it seems a bit
"cleaner" but at the moment I am unconvinced either way.

Could those who use tiger please test the new packages here:


Note that this is not a complete list (some failed for various reasons
that I will try to rectify over the next few days).


On 4/3/06, Paul Rasser <Paul.Rasser at newcastle.edu.au> wrote:

> Just wondering how things are progressing regarding the Mac OS  
> packages?
> Paul.

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