[MINC-users] mritotal non-gradient option

D. Louis Collins minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Mon Mar 21 17:35:04 2005


If you really want to use the original subsampled, but unblurred data, 
then the option is '-noblur'.

If you want to use blurred data (and not gradient data), then you would 
need to modify the mritotal script in the subroutine SetUpFits (~lines 
1387-1625).  You should change the array @initial_fits and @final_fits, 
changing the filenames from _dxyz to _blur. This will use only the 
blurred original data.

In either case, this will affect the fitting to stereotaxic space.  If 
you then use this modified script in a publication, it will be 
important to list the changes you've made since it will no longer 
correspond to the previously published and described version.

good luck!


On Mar 21, 2005, at 6:42 AM, Daniel Schwarz wrote:

> Dear minc-users,
> is there any way to force mritotal not to register gradient data, but 
> original subsampeled data? Is it possible to do it by an option/switch 
> or does one have to remake the mritotal script manually?
> Thank you.
> Daniel Schwarz
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> MINC-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
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