[MINC-users] mritotal non-gradient option

Andrew Janke Andrew Janke <a.janke@gmail.com>
Mon Mar 21 11:31:04 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:42:24 +0100, Daniel Schwarz
<schwarzd@feec.vutbr.cz> wrote:
> is there any way to force mritotal not to register gradient data, but
> original subsampeled data? Is it possible to do it by an option/switch
> or does one have to remake the mritotal script manually?

There is a -noblur option, 

given that the gradient data is generated as bart of the blurring
step, I suspect by turning off this option that you will skip the step
you wish.  However, there may be other side-effects.

The most obvious question is: Why would you want to skip this step?

Andrew Janke      (a.janke@gmail.com || www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor)
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