[MINC-users] DICOM (MOSAIC) to MINC conversion

Roy Yves yves.roy@umontreal.ca
Wed Jul 21 12:34:04 2004


Is there anyone around knowing about solution avenues for the following questions on DICOM to MINC conversion:

1- Is there a DICOM (MOSAIC) to MINC converters available somewhere? Or do I have to do the conversion DICOM -> ANALYSE -> MINC (which doesn't appear to be a resonnable solution to me ==> See question 5 below).

==> I am about to look at and evaluate dicom3_to_minc and LONI Debabeler... (and I will report my results on the REPRIC web site, conversion tools page http://www.rsmnq.ca/repric/en/conversion_software.htm, and your comments are also more than welcome).

2- On one of the BIC's machine, I simply ran the installed dicom_to_minc on a (supposedly DICOM-MOSAIC, ==> See question 4 below) image to obtain an output MINC image of dimensions 384 x 384 x 1 (as given by mincinfo) pretty much all black (the conversion didn't work, --but I did not get any error messages...). How can these numbers make sense knowing that the original DICOM image were (supposedly) (64 x 64) x 28 slices ? 

3- Is the *new* dicom3_to_minc supporting the conversion from DICOM-mosaic to MINC ? I just cannot find that info on the dicom3_to_minc page (http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/~jharlap/dicom/#DICOMperl)
(I am in the process of installig dicom3_to_minc, but ran into some problems... 
==> See question 6 below.

4- Given an image (which is assumed to be) in DICOM format (say the info about the origin was lost...):

- How can the true format of the image be found (the flavor, DICOMDIR or MOSAIC, the dimensions, and other reflective info like that), i.e. what are the available tools allowing that? 

I guess DICOMperl (http://dicomperl.sourceforge.net/, http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/~jharlap/dicom/#DICOMperl, ) is one of them ?

- I read somewhere (http://research.bmap.ucla.edu/MRIFAQ.html) that the latest version of SPM is reportedly able to handle the mosaic format. Anyone knowing whether it is true? Would it be a mosaicised *Analyse* format or *DICOM* supported (DICOM does not work for me under SPM2...) ?

5- Assuming that in order to obtain MINC images I need to first convert the DICOM to ANALYSE, which tools are people here using (your suggestions/remarks)?

- LONI Debabeler (Java), 
- xmedcom (C),
- epidcm2analyse.m , mprdcm2analyse.m (Matlab scripts available via the REPRIC web site http://www.rsmnq.ca/repric/en/conversion_software.htm).

6- dicom3_to_minc requires the module DICOMperl. Installing this module consists in 4 steps:
   1. perl Makefile.PL
   2. make
   3. make test
   4. (as root) make install

I got the following error in step 3:

[yves@localhost DICOM-1.003]$ perl Makefile.PL

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for DICOM

[yves@localhost DICOM-1.003]$ make

cp lib/DICOM/Element.pm blib/lib/DICOM/Element.pm
cp lib/DICOM/Private.pm blib/lib/DICOM/Private.pm
cp lib/DICOM/Fields.pm blib/lib/DICOM/Fields.pm
cp lib/DICOM.pm blib/lib/DICOM.pm
cp lib/DICOM/VRfields.pm blib/lib/DICOM/VRfields.pm
Manifying blib/man3/DICOM.3pm

[yves@localhost DICOM-1.003]$ make test

PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0,
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
make: *** [test_dynamic] Segmentation fault

Anyone has a clue on what might be the problem.

Many thanks.