[MINC-users] Siemens conversion.

Andrew Janke minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 16:37:33 +1000

Morning all.

A few of you out there might also have a Siemens Sonata (or any siemens scanner
that uses IDEA and MOSAIC as output, as such I'm offering a few perl scripts
(and wrappers to dicom_to_minc) available for others.


There should be 3 files:

   siemens_dcmdir_rename - pads IMA file numbers with 0's to
                            ensure the shell sorts them correctly
   siemens_dcmdir2mnc    - convert a series of IMA files to minc.
                            this script is capable of separating
                            patient series into separate files.

   siemens_raw2mnc       - An initial stab at converting siemens
                            RHP (Raw Handling Package) .raw files
                            to MINC. use -help for more info.

I did mail these out a while back to a few here, but I've made a few changes
since then.

Let us know if you have any problems.

Andrew Janke                   e-mail: rotor@cmr.uq.edu.au
PhD Candidate                  http://www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor/
Centre for Magnetic Resonance  Phone: +61 7 3365 4100
Uni of Qld. (Australia)        Home:  +61 7 3297 6167