[MINC-development] Sorting old commit history..

Andrew Janke a.janke at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 00:30:27 EST 2015

Hi all,

I was searching for some changes I did in mincpik a while back on
github and couldn't find them. Took a while to determine that they
were made back when we were using CVS and thus under the username
"rotor"....  There is no way to easily sort this in the github user
interface as you can't verify an email address of "rotor".

Does anyone have any major objections to a cleanup/rewrite of all the
old CVS authors in MINC? something like this?

git filter-branch --commit-filter 'if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" = "rotor" ];
  then export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Andrew Janke"; export
GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=a.janke at gmail.com; fi; git commit-tree "$@"'

Note that this only changes the author email and NOT the
GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL so hashes shouldn't change. Please correct me if
I'm wrong!

I've tested this on a repository of mine that was also converted from
CVS (volregrid), you can see what it then comes up in github as:


Note the difference between the original commits and the old ones
pre-2008. This will be same with old users such as louis, alex, neelin



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