[MINC-development] glim_image

Andrew Janke Andrew Janke <a.janke@gmail.com>
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 00:27:04 +1000

Morning all, 

I have just checked some changes I have been making to glim_image into
CVS.  The main change was a re-write of the design file I/O function
in glim.c  By using volume_io file input routines, this means that you
can finally have comments in glim_image input files!  (yay!)

Could those who have a vested interest in glim_image, please try a
build from CVS and see if the results are identical.  They should be!
or at least were the same for the test runs I did.


Andrew Janke      (a.janke@gmail.com || www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor)
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