[MINC-development] MINC format converters

Colin Holmes minc-development@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 16:30:07 -0800


I'd like to validate a list of minc file format
converters currently being collected by the NIH's
NIFTI Data Format Working Group.  Please take a quick
look at the following list of converters and if you
know of an addition, please reply to me
directly with the following information about it:

Input format name:   	(standard file extension is great too)
Output:  			(just .mnc or is there a minc -> .format? )
URL/ Download site:	(where to get it)
Development Info:		(author?)
Dependencies:		(needs some other package?)  
Comments:			(whatever you have to say about it)  
Suggested By:		(who you are, email address is fine) 

I promise to share the augmented list with this group!

Known MINC converters & input formats:

ana2mnc, mnc2ana (UCLA's analyze to minc-ers)
analyze<->minc	(Oxford FMRIB converters)
destominc, minctodes (UTHSCSA's DES to/from MINC)
mri_convert	(Harvard multiformat interconverter)
The LONI Debabler  (UCLA LONI multiformat converter)

Suspected format converters -- please point me to:

minc <-> 3D Tiff
dicom <-> minc : especially minc-to-dicom

anything else NIFTI should know about?

Thanks a billion,
(minc representative, NIFTI Data Format Working Group)
Colin J. Holmes, PhD
Manager for Scientific Visualization,
Mailstop 41-3-405, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy,
Mountain View CA 94043 USA
cholmes@sgi.com (650) 933-7512 fx 933-0819