[MINC-development] Welcome

Andrew Janke minc-development@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 07:53:15 +1000

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Steve ROBBINS wrote:

> > 1. MINC could be better documented.
> I'm sure you'll get no disagreement on this point.  Andrew started
> extending the existing documentation (I've lost the url for this,
> though).


The main idea here was to make the documentation more accessible (HTML + PDF) as
opposed to tex (hurl) and .ps files. Yes, yes I know tex2html exists, but it
(IMNSHO) is gawdy/tacky and usully produces copious output with little content,
cripes!, that sounds just like latex! :).

As such the initial effort was to convert all the existing documentation to SGML
such that conversion from there to .info (GNU) .man .pdf .ps .tex .doc .rtf is a
simple button click.

>From there I hope to write a few minc tutorials to get newbies going.

> I finished off the missing manpages for all the tools in MINC when I made the
> Debian packages.  I keep meaning to put them in CVS, but have not yet done so.

Nice, I had never even noticed!  On the upside I now know what mincwindow does!
Funnily enough louis has written a volume_io proggy of his own called
'fix_range' or something....  and you could do it in minccalc.

In the interim what are others thoughts about adding a -v option to all minc
progs?  (that of course should be automatic from cvs/release number).

Andrew Janke   ( rotor@cmr.uq.edu.au || www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor )
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