[BIC-announce] Reminder: Special Lecture: "Benjamin Becker - Neuropeptide regulation of emotion and motivation – a precision pharmaco-imaging approach." - Wednesday, May 10th. 2023 at 3:00 PM. - In person meeting at de GrandPre Communication Centre

R. ADALAT reza.adalat at mcgill.ca
Wed May 10 07:04:42 EDT 2023

On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 6:02 PM R. ADALAT <reza.adalat at mcgill.ca> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> On behalf of Dr. Evans, the details of the Special Lecture By Dr. Becker are
> below. Please mark your agenda and attend. Please feel free to extend
> this invitation to other colleagues and collaborators who might be
> interested.
> See you,
> rz >>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Title:* Neuropeptide regulation of emotion and motivation – a precision
> pharmaco-imaging approach.
> *Lecturer:* Dr. Benjamin Becker
> *Abstract:* Accumulating evidence from animal models and human
> neuroimaging studies suggests that neuropeptides such as oxytocin and
> renin-angiotensin regulate emotional and motivational functions and may
> have a considerable potential for translation into novel treatments for
> mental disorders. The present talk will outline convergent evidence for a
> regulatory role of the oxytocin system in the regulation of fear and
> describe challenges in the translation of intra-nasal oxytocin into
> clinical application. Next the talk will describe the systematic
> determination of the role of the angiotensin-renin II system in fear and
> motivational functions in humans via the application of a novel precision
> pharmaco-imaging framework that combines pharmacological fMRI with
> transcriptomics, behavioral modeling, and multivariate signatures.
> *Bio: *Benjamin Becker is currently a Full Professor of Cognitive
> Neuroscience and Director of the Cognitive, Affective and Motivational
> Neuroscience Lab at the University of Electronic Science and Technology
> (UESTC) in Chengdu, China. He received his Diploma and Dr. rer. nat. (PhD)
> in Psychology at the Universities of Trier and Duesseldorf in Germany and
> continued his research at the University of Bonn (Germany) to receive
> further training in neuroscience and advanced neuroimaging. His research
> aims at determining how the brain regulates emotional experiences, how
> these mechanisms become dysfunctional in stress-related mental disorders
> and how these processes are regulated by neuropeptides and serotonin. To
> this end his team capitalizes on an entire array of neuroscience methods
> including the combination of fMRI with pharmacological and real-time closed
> loop modulation and as well as neural decoding and computational modelling.
> He has published nearly 200 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters,
> including papers in Nature Communications, Advanced Science, PNAS,
> Molecular Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, etc. He serves as active
> editorial board member of several journals, including Psychotherapy and
> Psychosomatics, Psychopharmacology, and Psychoradiology, was founding
> specialty editor in chief or Frontiers in Social and Affective Neuroimaging
> as well as co-founder and co-director of the COVID-induced brain
> dysfunctions working group of the Global Brain Consortium.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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