[BIC-announce] Special Lecture: "Benjamin Becker - Neuropeptide regulation of emotion and motivation – a precision pharmaco-imaging approach." - Wednesday, May 10th. 2023 at 3:00 PM. - In person meeting at de GrandPre Communication Centre

R. ADALAT reza.adalat at mcgill.ca
Mon May 8 18:21:05 EDT 2023

Hi everybody,

On behalf of Dr. Evans, the details of the Special Lecture By Dr. Becker are
below. Please mark your agenda and attend. Please feel free to extend this
invitation to other colleagues and collaborators who might be interested.

See you,
rz >>


*Title:* Neuropeptide regulation of emotion and motivation – a precision
pharmaco-imaging approach.

*Lecturer:* Dr. Benjamin Becker

*Abstract:* Accumulating evidence from animal models and human neuroimaging
studies suggests that neuropeptides such as oxytocin and renin-angiotensin
regulate emotional and motivational functions and may have a considerable
potential for translation into novel treatments for mental disorders. The
present talk will outline convergent evidence for a regulatory role of the
oxytocin system in the regulation of fear and describe challenges in the
translation of intra-nasal oxytocin into clinical application. Next the
talk will describe the systematic determination of the role of the
angiotensin-renin II system in fear and motivational functions in humans
via the application of a novel precision pharmaco-imaging framework that
combines pharmacological fMRI with transcriptomics, behavioral modeling,
and multivariate signatures.

*Bio: *Benjamin Becker is currently a Full Professor of Cognitive
Neuroscience and Director of the Cognitive, Affective and Motivational
Neuroscience Lab at the University of Electronic Science and Technology
(UESTC) in Chengdu, China. He received his Diploma and Dr. rer. nat. (PhD)
in Psychology at the Universities of Trier and Duesseldorf in Germany and
continued his research at the University of Bonn (Germany) to receive
further training in neuroscience and advanced neuroimaging. His research
aims at determining how the brain regulates emotional experiences, how
these mechanisms become dysfunctional in stress-related mental disorders
and how these processes are regulated by neuropeptides and serotonin. To
this end his team capitalizes on an entire array of neuroscience methods
including the combination of fMRI with pharmacological and real-time closed
loop modulation and as well as neural decoding and computational modelling.
He has published nearly 200 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters,
including papers in Nature Communications, Advanced Science, PNAS,
Molecular Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry, etc. He serves as active
editorial board member of several journals, including Psychotherapy and
Psychosomatics, Psychopharmacology, and Psychoradiology, was founding
specialty editor in chief or Frontiers in Social and Affective Neuroimaging
as well as co-founder and co-director of the COVID-induced brain
dysfunctions working group of the Global Brain Consortium.

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