[BIC-announce] Clara Moreau's seminar on May the 24th 4pm at TH

JB Poline jbpoline at gmail.com
Thu May 19 10:54:09 EDT 2022


We have the pleasure to have Clara Moreau, who graduated from S. Jaquemont
and P. Bellec labs a few years ago, working at the Pasteur institute, and
is going to give a seminar on the 24th at 4pm at Thompson House room 404.
See her title and abstract below.

As *the room is rather small* (20) please put your name in this spreadsheet
if you plan to attend to help us planning.

*Title: Genetic heterogeneity and pleiotropy shape brain connectivity in
psychiatric conditions*

*Abstract:* Polygenicity and pleiotropy are key properties of the genomic
architecture of psychiatric disorders. Pleiotropy occurs when a genetic
variant influences more than one trait. This mechanism has been observed
for rare and common genomic variants. It is reasonable to hypothesize that
the microscale genetic overlap (pleiotropy) across psychiatric conditions
and cognitive traits may lead to similar overlaps at the macroscale brain
level such as large-scale brain functional networks. We took advantage of
brain connectivity, measured by resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI), to
measure the effects of genetic heterogeneity and pleiotropy on large-scale
brain networks, a putative step from genes to behavior. We processed nine
rs-fMRI datasets including 32,726 individuals and computed connectome-wide
profiles of seven neuropsychiatric copy-number-variants, five polygenic
scores, neuroticism, and fluid intelligence as well as four idiopathic
psychiatric conditions (schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder, and bipolar disorder).
Nine out of nineteen pairs of conditions and traits showed significant
functional connectivity correlations (rFC), which could be explained by
previously published levels of genomic (rG) and transcriptomic (rT)
correlations with moderate to high concordance: rG-rFC=0.71 and
rT-rFC=0.83. Extending this analysis to functional connectivity profiles
associated with rare and common genetic risk showed that 30 out of 136
pairs of connectivity profiles were correlated above chance. These
similarities between genetic risks and psychiatric disorders at the
connectivity level were mainly driven by the overconnectivity of thalamus
and the somatomotor networks. Based on spatial correlations with
transcriptomic data, we hypothesize that excitatory thalamic neurons may be
primary contributors to brain alteration profiles shared across genetic
risks and conditions. Our findings suggest a substantial genetic component
for shared connectivity profiles across conditions and traits, opening
avenues to delineate general mechanisms - amenable to intervention - in
psychiatric conditions.
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