[BIC-announce] Fwd: [MMP-USERS] One-Stop-Shop for McGill University Purchases of Computer Equipment

Siddiqi Kaleem siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca
Fri Sep 25 10:46:55 EDT 2020

Dear All,

I’m attaching the pertinent document below. If you read it you’ll see what I mean. There is part in there which refers to the need for all incoming equipment to be tracked and I believe purchasing is also using that as an argument for requiring us to use MMP. 

I have pointed out that these are separate issues. The challenge is that you cannot use a FOAPAL directly at the apple store. And if you use MMP you’ll see that the apple store is not listed as a supplier. You’ll end up using Le James and they will add a service fee, together with very restrictive 

See the text that I have highlighted in red.

I have our ADR in the Faculty of Science agreeing with us that this does not apply to research grants. The way around this is to the file an expense report which will go to travel desk for approval by your Faculty, circumventing purchasing, but they do not like this and you end up taking some risk.


Kaleem Siddiqi
School of Computer Science &
Centre for Intelligent Machines
McGill University

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ron Simpson - Deprecated <rgws at cs.mcgill.ca>
> Subject: Fwd: [MMP-USERS] One-Stop-Shop for McGill University Purchases of Computer Equipment
> Date: February 19, 2020 at 1:06:49 PM GMT-5
> To: Kaleem Siddiqi <siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca>
> Cc: Jan Binder <jan at cim.mcgill.ca>
> Kaleem,
> I believe this is the pertinent email announcing Le James awarded order contracts for desktop, laptop, and monitors at McGill.
> As well, attached is the IT Asset Management Regulations referenced below…
> Regarding research funds and purchasing, see on page 4, and in particular, the following:
> The Regulation does not apply to IT Equipment purchased entirely with research funds or personal funds (and not reimbursed by McGill University). However, it is considered best practice to follow this regulation for the management of IT Equipment paid for by research funds.
> So, what are the implications of best practices and MMP?
> Cheers.
> Ron 
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Suzanne Boyd <suzanne.boyd at MCGILL.CA <mailto:suzanne.boyd at MCGILL.CA>>
>> Subject: [MMP-USERS] One-Stop-Shop for McGill University Purchases of Computer Equipment
>> Date: September 10, 2019 at 8:41:18 AM GMT-4
>> Reply-To: Suzanne Boyd <suzanne.boyd at MCGILL.CA <mailto:suzanne.boyd at MCGILL.CA>>
>> One-Stop-Shop for McGill University Purchases of Computer Equipment
>> Issued Jointly by Procurement Services and Le James Bookstore
>> September 10th 2019
>> ________________________________________________________________
>> As a result of public calls for tenders led by Procurement Services, the Institutional Sales unit of Le James McGill Bookstore has solidified its position for supplying the latest available computer equipment technology to the University at competitive prices, effectively lowering cost for the University while enhancing customer service through a one-stop-shop for the McGill community. 
>> The two public calls for Tenders (CFTS) launched by Procurement Services have led to the award of multiple delivery order contracts for desktops, laptops and monitors (the Computer Equipment) of top-tier computer manufacturers, for resale by Le James Bookstore.  By fulfilling their needs for the Computer Equipment through Le James Bookstore, McGill community members can rest assured that not only they are compliant with the Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies (the Act C-65.1), but are also adhering to the University’s Procurement Policy <https://www.mcgill.ca/procurement/regulation/policies/purchasingpolicy> and the IT Asset Management Regulation <https://www.mcgill.ca/procurement/regulation/policies/it-asset-management-regulation>. 
>> About Le James McGill Bookstore, Institutional Sales
>> The Institutional Sales unit (formerly known as the McGill Computer Store – MCS) is dedicated to the support and success of the McGill community.  This unit works with their customers to find products best suited for their needs, such as computer hardware, software, and accessories. Their goal is to simplify the purchasing process while providing value-added advice and guidance on the available technology choices. Read more about the Le James Bookstore <https://lejames.ca/> and the Institutional Sales unit <https://lejames.ca/services/institutional-sales>.
>> How to purchase from the Institutional Sales
>> To proceed with a purchase, you must first contact the sales team at is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca> with your enquiry or list of products. A representative from the Institutional Sales will then contact you to discuss the details of your order and create a quote for you to review. With the quote on hand, you can then proceed to creating a purchase requisition on the McGill Marketplace (“MMP”). 
>> Le James McGill Bookstore, Institutional Sales is looking forward to providing excellent customer service to our community. You can reach our sales team at is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca>

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