[BIC-announce] Box-BIC downtime, starting Thursday morning

Ted Strauss theodorejp.strauss at mcgill.ca
Thu Mar 21 10:25:10 EDT 2019

Just a quick note to confirm that the following BIC online services are back online:

  *   Box.BIC<http://box.bic.mni.mcgill.ca>  (log in with McGill email + password)
  *   JupyterHub<https://t.sidekickopen78.com/s2t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJN7t5XZsRYygTW5w6CvP3Lr5zKW8qlQyH56dGf8f2tF3_K02?t=https%3A%2F%2Fjupyter.bic.mni.mcgill.ca%2F&si=5832799126814720&pi=0b4883ce-6e29-43d1-e8c2-3906e8d44fb5> (log in with McGill shortname + password)
  *   Plotly<https://t.sidekickopen78.com/s2t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJN7t5XZsRYygTW5w6CvP3Lr5zKW8qlQyH56dGf8f2tF3_K02?t=http%3A%2F%2Fplotly.bic.mni.mcgill.ca%2F&si=5832799126814720&pi=0b4883ce-6e29-43d1-e8c2-3906e8d44fb5> (log in with McGill shortname + password)

Please let me know if there are any issues, or if you need support with any of those.



Ted Strauss / Manager, Data Resources
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre / Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 2:10 PM Ted Strauss <theodorejp.strauss at mcgill.ca<mailto:theodorejp.strauss at mcgill.ca>> wrote:
Attention users of the Box.BIC service:
Because of a planned move of servers, the service will be down starting Thursday (tomorrow) morning. The plan is for the service to be back online by end of day Friday, but there is a possibility that downtime will extend into the weekend.
If there are any files on Box that you will need, and don't have another local copy, please download those files today.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Sorry for any inconvenience.



Ted Strauss / Manager, Data Resources
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre / Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

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