[BIC-announce] FW: [NSSMIC] PSMR2015 Call for papers

Paul Gravel paul.gravel2 at mail.mcgill.ca
Fri Nov 7 08:39:09 EST 2014

Dear All,


This may interest some of you.


Best Regards,




From: nssmic at ieee.org [mailto:nssmic at ieee.org] On Behalf Of Dora Merelli
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 9:09 PM
Subject: [NSSMIC] PSMR2015 Call for papers


PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on "PET/MR and SPECT/MR"


More than 200 scientists, working in the field of PET, SPECT, MR and hybrid
systems PET/MR and SPECT/MR coming from the main Laboratories and
Universities in the world, are expected to gather in May 17-20, 2015, at La
Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy) for the PSMR2015 - 4th Conference on "PET/MR
and SPECT/MR" 

            As diagnostic techniques evolve from the systems to the
molecular level, the role of multimodality molecular imaging becomes
increasingly important. PET, SPECT and MRI are powerful techniques for in
vivo molecular imaging. The hybrid combination of PET (or SPECT) and MRI,
enabling truly simultaneous acquisition, is expected to bridge the gap
between molecular and systems diagnosis. By continuing the newly established
and successful series of PET-MR/SPECT-MR Conference (2012-Elba Island-
Italy, 2013 Julich-Germany, 2014-Kos, Greece) we are delighted to announce
that in 2015 we return to Italy for the PSMR2015, the Fourth Conference on
PET-MR and SPECT-MR, sponsored by Pisa University-INFN, the Technological
Institute of Athens, Juelich Forschungszentrum, and the COST Action PET-MRI
TD-1007. The conference is also technically sponsored by IEEE and ESMI. The
conference is scheduled for May 17-20, 2015 at the Hotel Hermitage on "la
Biodola" gulf , in the beautiful Elba island near Pisa (Italy). The
conference will not only cover all the technological aspects of both
sequential and simultaneous PET/MR and SPECT/MR systems and their clinical
and preclinical applications, but also ample space will be given to
dedicated systems, novel technologies and new tracers. 

            The submission of abstracts is now open and it will be closing
on February 15, 2015.  There will be both invited and oral talks and poster
contributions. The conference proceedings will be submitted for publication
in a special issue of IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science.  All information
can be found at the Conference website: http://psmr2015.df.unipi.it

            We would appreciate it if you download the attached flier and
post it in you institution. 

 We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Conference.

Alberto Del Guerra 
George Loudos 
Jon Shah 

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