[BIC-announce] Montreal Resting-state fMRI Workshop [Thu-May-29; 8:45 am - 5:00 pm; Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre]

Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS caramanos at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 13:48:25 EDT 2014

*Montreal Resting-state fMRI Workshop

*   Thursday, May 29, 2014;  8:45 am - 5:00 pm*

*   Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre*

*   Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital*

*   3801 University Street , H3A 2B4*

In less than a decade, resting-state functional MRI has become an important
paradigm for studying the network properties of brain function, providing
convincing evidence for the Hebbian concept of neuronal assemblies that act
in coherence, and constitute the functional organization of the brain.

Home to Wilder Penfield and Donald Hebb, Montreal has a proud legacy in the
science and technology aimed at characterizing the functional topography of
the brain and its relation to neurophysiology. Sponsored by McGill Center
for Integrative Neuroscience (MCIN), and supported by McConnell Brain
Imaging Center and Montreal Neurological Institute, this
an opportunity to learn about the status of RSfMRI research in
Montreal, and to become familiar with important neurophysiological,
clinical and methodological aspects of this research (see program below).

This is an opportunity for sharing unique insights, finding collaborative
grounds and conceptualizing the methodological approach and computational
infrastructure needed for multimodal functional neuroimaging with MRI, TMS,
EEG and MEG.

On behalf of the Ludmer Center and MCIN,

Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, PhD

Pierre Bellec, PhD

*Please register before May 9 2014,  by email to *
*Najmeh.khalilimahani at mcgill.ca* <Najmeh.khalilimahani at mcgill.ca>*,  with
RSfMRI workshop in the subject line. *

*A few Poster panels will be provided. If you are interested in presenting
your ongoing RSfMRI research, please email an abstract.*


*8:45-9:00 Welcome remarks and Introduction*

*9:00-10:15 RS-fMRI Methods*

*Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, McGill University & Leiden University*
    *Dual Regression versus Eigenvector Centrality Mapping in RSfMRI, *
*    a Pharmacological perspective*

*Pierre Bellec, University of Montreal*
*    Characterization of inter-individual differences in rs-fMRI network*
*    topography using stable cluster cores*

*  Mona Maneshi, Jean Gotman, Christophe Grova, McGill University *
*    Shared and Specific ICA (SSICA),  new data-driven functional *
*    connectivity analysis method and its application in epilepsy.*

*10:30-12:00  Neurophysiological Considerations*

*  Jean Gotman, McGill University*
*    Epileptic discharges and the default mode network*

*  Amir Shmuel, McGill University *
*    Laminar-dependent neurophysiological activity underlying *
*    spontaneous fluctuations in hemodynamic signals*

*12:00-1:00 Lunch*

*1:15-2:15  Multimodal RSfMRI*

*  Peter Donhauser & Sylvain Baillet, McGill University *
*    Dynamics of cross-frequency coupling in the resting & active states*

*  Oury Monchi, University of Montreal  *
*    Combining TBS and RS-fMRI for the study of fronto-striatal*
*    connectivity*

*2:30-3:45 New Frontiers*

*  Shahab Vahdat & Julien Doyon, University of Montreal*
*    Sleep-dependent consolidation of motor sequence learning *
*    revealed by fMRI*

*  Maxime Parent  & Pedro Rosa-Neto, McGill University *
*    Functional connectivity impairments in a transgenic rat model of *
*    Alzheimer's Disease*

*  Francois Chouinard, Alan Evans, Pierre Bellec, McGill University*
*    Heritability of Functional Connectivity*

*4:00-5:00 Discussion Panel*

Zografos Caramanos, M.A.

Research Assistant, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Unit
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Program in Neuroscience

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
(phone) 514-299-8160;  (fax) 514-398-2975
(e-mail) zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
(web)  Google-scholar<http://scholar.google.ca/citations?sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=BcVBulQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works>
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