[BIC-announce] Reminder--talk today--Kim Plunkett

Vincent Gracco vincent.gracco at mcgill.ca
Fri Oct 30 07:58:26 EDT 2009

The CRLMB welcomes Dr. Kim Plunkett, who will present a Distinguished  
Lecture entitled "How infants build a semantic system: Lexical- 
semantic priming in early lexical development." Dr. Plunkett is a  
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Oxford University and Director  
of the Oxford BabyLab, a research facility for the experimental  
investigation of linguistic and cognitive development in babies and  
young children.

NOTE TIME AND LOCATION--OCT. 30, 2009 - 2:00 PM TO 3:30 PM
Life Sciences Complex, Room 501, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer  
Centre, 1160 avenue des Pins

Vincent L. Gracco, PhD
Director, Centre for Research on Language, Mind and Brain
McGill University
3640 de la Montagne
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 2A8

ph: 514-398-7298
fax: 514-398-8123
email: vincent.gracco at mcgill.ca

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