[BIC-announce] FW: Simulation Technologies Meeting October 15, 2009, 10:00 A.M. to 4:10 P.M.

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Tue Oct 13 09:41:27 EDT 2009

Circulated on behalf of Dr. Del Maestro.  Please see below.  Jennifer 

Jennifer Chew

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

MNI - WB317

3801 University Street

Montreal, Qc  H3A 2B4

Telephone:  514-398-8554

Fax:  514-398-2975


> Dear Colleagues,
> You are cordially invited to the Simulation Technologies Meeting on Thursday October 15, 2009 in the De Grandpré Communications Centre
> The use of Simulation technologies are becoming an integral component of education and research in a variety of disciplines. l am very pleased that the Brain Tumour Research Centre can play an role in helping to bring together a number of companies and researchers to share their ideas concerning present and future developments in this exciting field.
> Representatives from CAE, BrainLAB and Accuray (Cyberknife) will provide insights into how they feel the field is developing. Dr. Diraddo from the NRC will outline the new virtual reality system being developed for Neuro-Oncology and have some of the prototypes avaliable for everyone to use. A number of researchers from the Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute and the McGill Centre for Intelligent Machines will provide interesting new simulation paradigms that are being explored.
> Everyone is invited to attend.
> Rolando
> Dr. Rolando Del Maestro, MD, PhD,FRCS(C),FACS,DABNS William Feindel Chair in Neuro-Oncology Director, Brain Tumour Research Centre Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Professor, Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology Professor, Department of Oncology McGill University

Simulation Technologies: Where Are We Now And Were Are We Going.


Brain Tumour Research Centre

De Grandpré Communications Centre

Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital

October 15th, 2009 1000-1600 



10:00-10:05: "Goals for the Day"  

                         Rolando Del Maestro

                         Director, Brain Tumour Research Centre, 

                         Montreal Neurological Institute, 

                         McGill University


10:05-10:50: "Simulation in Medical Education"

 Marilyn Powers, Manager of Operations, 

                       CAE Healthcare


10:50-11:35: "Vitual Reality Systems for Surgical Oncology"

                       Robert Diraddo, Group Leader, Simulation

                       Of Deformable Materials, Industrial Material 

                       Institute , National Research Council Canada.

                       Boucherville, Quebec                 


11:35-12:20: "The Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery System"                                                                             
                       Ryan Baker, Regional Sales Director 
                       Cyberknife (Accuray)


12:20-1300:   Lunch

13:00-13:45: "Image Guidance and iMRI Technologies, Present 

                        and Future" TBA, BrainLAB


13:45-14:30: "Assessment of Technical Skills in Neurosurgery"    
                       Nicolas Phaneuf, Department of Neurosurgery
                       McGill University

14:30- 15:00 "Intraoperative Imaging Using Ultrasound- 
                        realizing The Promise of Image Guided Surgery"

                        Louis Collins, McConnell-Brain Imaging Center,

                        Montreal Neurological Institute, 

                        McGill University






15:00-15:30: "Interactive Imaging II-An Overview at Tools 

                        Aimed at Facilitating IGNS." 

                        Tal Arbel, Centre for Intelligent Machines,

                        McGill University.


1530-1600: "Toward New Interactive Paradigms for 

                       Visualization and Manipulation of Neurological

                       Data.or Did Traditionalists Get It Right."  

                       Jeremy Cooperstock  Centre for Intelligent 

                       Machines, McGill University


16:00-1610 Wrap-Up




For further information contact Dr. R. Del Maestro: 514 398 5791

                                                   rolando.delmaestro at mcgill.ca                                             


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