[BIC-announce] FW: Announcement - Position available - INSERM

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Mon Jan 8 12:59:02 EST 2007


-----Original Message-----
From: Francine Bélanger [mailto:francine.belanger at criugm.rtss.qc.ca] 
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 1:31 PM
To: Jennifer Chew, Ms.; Felicia Callocchia, Ms.
Subject: Announcement - Position available

On the behalf of Dr. Julien Doyon (Adjunct Professor at the MNI) and on the recommendation of Zia Jacob-Merchant, we would like to inform post-doc and young researcher about a two-year position available for the International Laboratory of Neuroimaging and Modeling (INSERM, France & Univ of Mtl, Canada). You will find, attached, the information about the position (in English and French).

If you need any information, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much for your collaboration.

Francine Bélanger
Coordonnatrice administrative de l'UNF/RNQ/REPRIC Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal 4565, chemin Queen Mary, Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W5
Tél.:	  (514) 340-2800 p. 4785
Téléc.:   (514) 340-3530
Courriel: francine.belanger at criugm.rtss.qc.ca
Web :	  www.unf-montreal.ca

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