[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 1_13_2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Jan 13 17:06:01 EST 2023

IBIS Week In Review

IBIS Network
WU PI/Site PI change
Kelly has stepped down as the PI of IBIS-DS and as the site PI for EP, and ADOL.
Natasha has taken over these roles for each of these projects.

IBIS Executive Committee
ORIGINs Data Sharing
An update to our data sharing agreement with ORIGINs has been approved.
Added to the data we already share:  Basic information about the presence/absence of maternal diabetes, child weight and height from birth to age 2, and any infant sleep/feeding behavior data we have (from the IBQ-R).

Have a nice weekend everyone!


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