[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 1_6_2023

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Jan 6 17:27:23 EST 2023

IBIS Week In Review

Happy New Year IBISes!!!

The EP IRB has been renewed.  Sites, please see the LORIS Document Repository for all relevant new consents and renewal documentation.
Renewal Docs: (LORIS Doc Repository > EP Modifications > EP CR 2022).
Consents: (LORIS Doc Repository > IBIS EP Consents > your site)

MCDI Data Correction in LORIS
Recently a scoring error was identified with the MCDI in LORIS: Gesture scores on the MCDI for IBIS 1 and 2 where the raw scores did not indicate the actual raw scores. For example, a participant may have skipped 1 item out of 21 total possible items on the MCDI Gestures. On LORIS the score for that participant would show a 0. However, this would have been confusing as some may assume that the participant actually received a 0 out of 21 possible items.  The MCDI now includes a message on LORIS indicating "Scores cannot be calculated due to missing items" for both raw and percentiles of the MCDI Gestures for participants that have missing items.  Many thanks to Denis, Meghan, and Santiago for handling this issue.

The 2022 'Week In Review' email archive has been preserved for all time in the LORIS Doc Repository.  A new running archive for 2023  will be started with this week’s email.
(LORIS Doc Repository >IBIS Adminstration Documents)

Have a nice weekend everyone!


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