[Ace-recruitment] IBIS Network - Week In Review - 4_29_2022

Chappell, Chad cchappel at med.unc.edu
Fri Apr 29 14:53:40 EDT 2022

IBIS Week In Review

-IBIS Executive Committee:
ESLI and iPSC Interviews
Kate MacDuffie is writing up for publication the qualitative interview data collected as part of two projects:
ELSI interviews with IBIS-EP families (from SEA, UMN and UNC)
iPSC interviews with IBIS-SA families (from SEA, STL, UNC and PHI).
These papers will describe results of qualitative interviews conducted with IBIS parents as well as other families impacted by disorders other than autism.
The Publication Matrix was also agreed upon and updated for authorship on the use of this data.

The UMN IBQ-R paper is now available online (though not yet in PubMed).
  Congrats to Sooyeon, Jed and team!

-Week In review archived through April. 2022 in LORIS Document Repository

On Apr 22, 2022, at 5:19 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

New Focused effort to increase SA subject pool has begun
This will include reaching out to any SA families that opted out during COVID, contacting SA non-priority subjects as well as possibly reaching out to other sibling projects and/or filling in with cross sectional subjects.
The details will be ironed out on Bx and LG calls.

IRB Mod Approved
A new consent has been added that will be required going forward for texting families without encryption.
UNC is testing a secure texting system (RingCentral) and will share our thoughts with the sites soon.
All related documents have been sent to the sites and are uploaded to LORIS.

Project Approval
Updates to Rebecca Grzadzinski’s Pupillary Project were approved, involving new award opportunities and hypotheses.

Scan uploads will now be automatically (as opposed to manually) processed nightly

On Apr 8, 2022, at 4:53 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-All Projects
-The IBIS Exclusion List for all projects has been updated and is available here: https://wustl.app.box.com/s/qfoznetqger7giwpmx0k3gp2v1zwcwns

-Clarification of prior Modification:  The TSI was updated (4/1/22) to more clearly reflect that twins/multiple birth subjects are excluded, but twin/multiple birth probands are not.

- IBIS Adolescent Submission
-Received score of 24, appears likely to be funded

-Archive of IBIS Week In Reviews, through March, uploaded to the LORIS Document Repository
-Root > IBIS Administrative Documents

On Apr 1, 2022, at 4:54 PM, Chappell, Chad <cchappel at med.unc.edu<mailto:cchappel at med.unc.edu>> wrote:

IBIS Week In Review

-IRB Modification Approval
-updated the TSI to remove twins/multiple births from being exclusionary

-CHOP was IRB approved for data Sleep Project collection

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