[Ace-recruitment] 9/21 IBIS Recruitment Meeting

Pruett, John pruettj at wustl.edu
Wed Sep 15 18:02:22 EDT 2021

Thanks, Daniel. And welcome, Megan and Camile! -- John

From: ace-recruitment-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca <ace-recruitment-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca> On Behalf Of Gray, Daniel
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 4:59 PM
To: Ace-recruitment at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Cc: borja030 at umn.edu; Megan Rutten <rutte061 at umn.edu>
Subject: [Ace-recruitment] 9/21 IBIS Recruitment Meeting

* External Email - Caution *
Hi all – a reminder about out next monthly IBIS recruitment group meeting schedule for Tuesday, September 21 from 11:30-12:30 Central.  Please be sure update your site’s recruitment totals in the meeting agenda.  Also update your recruitment lead statuses in the log sheet.  We’re starting to see some initial data, that once complete, may allow us to identify additional funding to support our recruitment efforts, especially with the money we’ve need for Facebook advertising (we’re starting to see a few enrollees from that).

Meeting Link: https://wustl-hipaa.zoom.us/j/92135972316
Link to Agenda/Recruitment Workgroup Folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NnySlzSvCNIldopJd4vLKJAfbc1H-uzt?usp=sharing>

We also want to welcome Megan and Camile, our new UMN study staff.

With the addition of new members to the group, I am aware of at least one conflict with our current time slot.  In order to see if we can identify a new time slot, please complete the following doodle poll<https://doodle.com/poll/v8k3wcka7gvtmpkw?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link>.  To ensure you’re looking at the right time zone, the first option is 10 AM Central on Monday (Doodle should automatically adjust times to your time zone).  Also, ignore actual dates and focus on the day/time of the week – then in the comments below the poll, note if a certain time that you selected is not good for certain parts of the month (e.g. can’t do 3rd Monday of the month at 10).  Hopefully this won’t be too messy.  😉

Thanks everyone!

Daniel Gray, MSW
Recruitment/Markerting Manager
Washington University School of Medicine

Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS)
Autism Early Prediction: www.autismbabybrain.com<http://www.autismbabybrain.com/>
Down Syndrome: www.dsstudies.com<http://www.dsstudies.com/>

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