[Loris-dev] BIDS Error

Thu Jun 10 18:48:52 EDT 2021

Hi Cécile,

I tried to execute the query but there are some variables I don’t know what to set to:


So, I executed the following:

              p.Name as Site,
              c.PSCID as PSCID,
              c.CandID as DCCID,
              Project.Name as project,
              s.Visit_label as visitLabel,
              DATE_FORMAT(MIN(pf.Value), '%Y-%m-%d') as First_Acquisition,
              FROM_UNIXTIME(MIN(f.InsertTime)) as First_Insertion,
              FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(fqc.QCLastChangeTime)) as Last_QC,
              GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT OutputType) as Links,
              s.ID as sessionID,
              GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT modality.Scan_type) as sequenceType,
              s.CenterID as CenterID,
              c.Entity_type as entityType,
            FROM psc AS p
              JOIN session s ON (s.CenterID=p.CenterID)
              JOIN candidate c ON (c.CandID=s.CandID)
              LEFT JOIN Project ON (s.ProjectID=Project.ProjectID)
              JOIN files f ON (f.SessionID=s.ID)
              LEFT JOIN files_qcstatus fqc ON (fqc.FileID=f.FileID)
              JOIN parameter_file pf ON (f.FileID=pf.FileID)
              JOIN parameter_type pt USING (ParameterTypeID)
              LEFT JOIN mri_scan_type modality ON
              s.Active = 'Y' AND
              f.FileType IN ('mnc', 'nii') AND
            GROUP BY s.ID
            ORDER BY c.PSCID, s.Visit_label;

And I got 34415 rows, here is the last part of it:

| 723-DKC-1     | BGH723308 | 925320 | ADVANCE_ATTAIN  | w024             | 2012-05-09        | 2021-03-21 01:26:41 | NULL    | ct1unf.0.87,native                |    123453 | ct1unf.0.87,flair,mtOFF,mtON,pdw,t1c,t1p,t2w        |      842 | Human      |        11 |
| 723-DKC-1     | BGH723308 | 925320 | ADVANCE_ATTAIN  | w048             | 2012-10-10        | 2021-03-21 01:33:28 | NULL    | ct1unf.0.87,native                |    127243 | ct1unf.0.87,flair,mtOFF,mtON,pdw,t1c,t1p,t2w        |      842 | Human      |        11 |
| 723-DKC-1     | BGH723308 | 925320 | ADVANCE_ATTAIN  | w096             | 2013-09-17        | 2020-11-25 23:36:42 | NULL    | native                            |    123465 | flair,mtOFF,mtON,pdw,t1c,t1p,t2w                    |      842 | Human      |        11 |
34415 rows in set, 12 warnings (12.43 sec)

I added the name of project where I am uploading BIDS to in the WHERE:

         AND     Project.Name = 'INFORMS'

I got an empty set. Based on this what should we try?

Regarding the Scan_done I manually modified it but I get an error in the web page:


I am happy to do a Zoom call if that helps us move faster.


On Jun 7, 2021, at 4:50 PM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alfredo,

Interesting. I was expecting to see the Active field set to NULL which would have explained why you do not see anything in the imaging browser. My next theory is that you do not have anything for the parameter_type name 'acquisition_date' which is very likely to be the case for a BIDS dataset with no date information.

Does the following query return anything for you? That is the query that is supposed to return data to the imaging browser (that you can find in modules/imaging_browser/php/imagingbrowserrowprovisioner.class.inc<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1weK8jADYBDQk4jpPzRNm8rD0PwVDNCMSqr5yG572iHCS4Y0zqqLqBl9mPaA0wu2sekKrklkT0E-yyzFbYhZ1AepajvvGWnxe688Ok1sCPLPdfeAONPWXzCeqgszXpJ9sgBtvWLUICHxS_J9Ffa7ZOjbld8AX9aUbjG_oYI2dMGGtk_ThMB_SQuneDiRqmTctykQ3dAkWL0sA76pxQnBl3ftDrrfNhBPtIWqATw3ihLuLtYmABCIlnSK4c6I14etC2cOWz4rM78zGhuKp5s0-NMhVRG9h3GS_fcxp9Ltd-TBrjcbTsBuTwN-BmuzRKhZv/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris%2Fblob%2F23.0-release%2Fmodules%2Fimaging_browser%2Fphp%2Fimagingbrowserrowprovisioner.class.inc>).

p.Name as Site,
c.CandID as DCCID,
Project.Name as project,
s.Visit_label as visitLabel,
$PendingFailSubquery as Visit_QC_Status,
DATE_FORMAT(MIN(pf.Value), \"%Y-%m-%d\") as First_Acquisition,
FROM_UNIXTIME(MIN(f.InsertTime)) as First_Insertion,
FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(fqc.QCLastChangeTime)) as Last_QC,
$NewDataSubquery as New_Data,
s.ID as sessionID,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT modality.Scan_type) as sequenceType,
$PendingNewquery as pending,
s.CenterID as CenterID,
c.Entity_type as entityType,
FROM psc AS p
JOIN session s ON (s.CenterID=p.CenterID)
JOIN candidate c ON (c.CandID=s.CandID)
LEFT JOIN Project ON (s.ProjectID=Project.ProjectID)
JOIN files f ON (f.SessionID=s.ID)
LEFT JOIN files_qcstatus fqc ON (fqc.FileID=f.FileID)
JOIN parameter_file pf ON (f.FileID=pf.FileID)
JOIN parameter_type pt USING (ParameterTypeID)
LEFT JOIN mri_scan_type modality ON
s.Active = 'Y' AND
f.FileType IN ('mnc', 'nii') AND
ORDER BY c.PSCID, s.Visit_label

If you get an empty result, try removing the following from the WHERE section of the query above:

              .....  AND

If my second theory is right, you should then see rows returned, in which case you will need to modify the query in the imaging_browser code.
Let me know how those go.

Regarding the Scan_type, I should probably be populated by the insertion script so this may be a bug on the bids_import scripts specific to the imaging component. In the meantime, you can indeed set the flag to Y for the sessions you know contain scan data.

Hope this helps,


On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 12:27 PM Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hi Cécile,

Thank you for prompt answer. Here is the output of the query:

mysql> SELECT CandID, Visit_label, Active, Scan_done, CenterID, ProjectID, SubprojectID FROM session WHERE Visit_label = 'screening' AND CandID=207019;
| CandID | Visit_label | Active | Scan_done | CenterID | ProjectID | SubprojectID |
| 207019 | screening   | Y      | NULL      |      843 |        12 |            2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I guess the “Scan_done” should be ‘Y’ instead of ’NULL’. Is this something that the BIDS importing script should take care of? Is the fix as simple as just setting Scan_done to ‘Y’?


On Jun 6, 2021, at 4:48 PM, Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at BWH.HARVARD.EDU<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at BWH.HARVARD.EDU>> wrote:

Hi Cécile,

We managed to insert the candidates and the visits, and create the specific file names for BIDS before actually launching the BIDS script. The script finally worked, however I don’t see the images in LORIS. I am adding down below the bids log insertion. Is there something additional I need to do to be able to see the images? In the web site I see the candidate and the visit but the column “Imaging Scan Done” is marked with a question mark (see attachment).

/PROJECT/bin/mri/python_virtualenvs/loris-mri-python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/layout/validation.py:46: UserWarning: The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control indexing is likely to be removed in future; possibly as early as PyBIDS 0.14. This includes the `config_filename`, `ignore`, `force_index`, and `index_metadata` arguments. The recommended usage pattern is to initialize a new BIDSLayoutIndexer with these arguments, and pass it to the BIDSLayout via the `indexer` argument.
  warnings.warn("The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control "

Connecting to:
        database: DATABASE
        username: USERNAME
        hostname: 111.222.333440
        port    : 1234

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

AMP::bids_dir: /DATA/CAND_A/bids
Loading the BIDS dataset with BIDS layout library...

AMP::bids_config: /PROJECT/bin/mri/python/lib/bids.json
root: /DATA/CAND_A/bids
target:: /DATA/CAND_A/bids/dataset_description.json
        => BIDS dataset loaded with BIDS layout

Grepping candidates from the BIDS layout...
Validating the list of participants...
subjects: ['207019']
        => Passed validation of the list of participants

        => List of participants found:

Grepping list of sessions from the BIDS layout...
        => List of sessions found:

                207019: screening

Grepping the different modalities from the BIDS layout...
        => Done grepping the different modalities from the BIDS layout

Executing query:
        SELECT * FROM candidate WHERE PSCID = %s

With arguments:
Executing query:
        SELECT SubprojectID FROM subproject WHERE title = %s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT * FROM session WHERE CandID = %s AND Visit_label = %s

With arguments:
        ('622350', 'screening')

Executing query:
        SELECT * FROM candidate WHERE PSCID = %s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT SubprojectID FROM subproject WHERE title = %s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT * FROM session WHERE CandID = %s AND Visit_label = %s

With arguments:
        ('622350', 'screening')

Executing query:
        SELECT type FROM ImagingFileTypes

Executing query:
        SELECT f.FileID, f.File FROM files AS f JOIN parameter_file USING (FileID) JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Value=%s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT type FROM ImagingFileTypes

Executing query:
        SELECT f.FileID, f.File FROM files AS f JOIN parameter_file USING (FileID) JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Value=%s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT type FROM ImagingFileTypes

Executing query:
        SELECT f.FileID, f.File FROM files AS f JOIN parameter_file USING (FileID) JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Value=%s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT type FROM ImagingFileTypes

Executing query:
        SELECT f.FileID, f.File FROM files AS f JOIN parameter_file USING (FileID) JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Value=%s

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT type FROM ImagingFileTypes

Executing query:
        SELECT f.FileID, f.File FROM files AS f JOIN parameter_file USING (FileID) JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Value=%s

With arguments:

Thank you for your help.


<Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 4.44.57 PM.png>

On May 13, 2021, at 10:08 AM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alfredo,

The requirement of not having any special characters in the Participant ID or Session ID comes from BIDS and the libraries used to parse the BIDS dataset before insertion into LORIS.

On the LORIS front:

  *   the ID used next to sub-<ID> will be used for the PSCID field of the candidate table (the CandID field being automatically generated as 6 random digits by the insertion script).
  *   the ID used next to ses-<ID> will be used for the visit label field of the session table

There might be another solution for you: modifying the file https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/blob/main/python/lib/bids.json<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1GvLDW-g8RekA6xfXzTQGS9x-cvm3VJ64Me4gEy4E2Yh3_J_-W9ZJiP9DEv9M9oH_JN3CJGEaRyJUvOCUzrNqMXl0tpX8TJ_Cfrs5JA9p_ICYgDGAU_HcPRpK0aHBkRHCW9mHZTixcIoY9EEim1Tt4JhQWyQlJpaTKY-bd1bc5O1lxwHz6sj4nGQ5bXFiDLYRP4Y8DWJzxYpm8EMaj_QYRiVdUOwHiSGfVGMouhDDMYYwBHrEEdV1Ompf5QRyVkSSAJaGL2Q3tSABSa8USdVkOQ/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris-MRI%2Fblob%2Fmain%2Fpython%2Flib%2Fbids.json> so that it matches the string used for your data. You would need to modify the pattern for subject and session in that file to match what you have. In theory, once done, pybids should be able to read your dataset.

Hope this helps,


On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 9:47 AM Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hi Cécile,

Is it possible to modify your IDs to be alphanumerical?

It is possible but puts more burden on our side as every single file now has to be modified. What would be best format for LORIS for the user ids (e.g., six digits) and the visit labels (e.g., alphanumerical without dash)? I just want to make sure we are compliant with LORIS requirements before modifying the bids files.


On May 11, 2021, at 6:34 PM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alfredo,

It looks like the pybids is not able to read your BIDS dataset, which is why it returns an empty list of subjects.

I just tried on the python terminal to load your dataset on pybids and it does not find any subject or visit. This is probably due to the name of the subject that contains special characters. That will also be problematic for the session label of your dataset. I guess subjects in BIDS should remain alphanumerical only. Is it possible to modify your IDs to be alphanumerical?


On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 5:37 PM Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hi Cécile,

I just shared the dataset in the sftp in the following path: 2021_05_11/caseCecile_BIDS.zip

Additionally, here is the output of the script after adding the prints in the PR 617:

/PROJECT/bin/mri/python_virtualenvs/loris-mri-python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/layout/validation.py:46: UserWarning: The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control indexing is likely to be removed in future; possibly as early as PyBIDS 0.14. This includes the `config_filename`, `ignore`, `force_index`, and `index_metadata` arguments. The recommended usage pattern is to initialize a new BIDSLayoutIndexer with these arguments, and pass it to the BIDSLayout via the `indexer` argument.
  warnings.warn("The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control "

Connecting to:
        database: DATABASE
        username: USERDATABASE
        hostname: 111.222.333.44
        port    : 3306

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

Loading the BIDS dataset with BIDS layout library...
        => BIDS dataset loaded with BIDS layout

Grepping candidates from the BIDS layout...
Validating the list of participants...

ERROR: Participant ID mismatch between participants.tsv and raw data found in the BIDS directory/n
CFTY720D2306.0102.00001is missing from the BIDS Layout

List of subjects parsed by the BIDS layout:


On May 11, 2021, at 12:01 PM, Cécile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Sounds like a plan. Let me know once it is uploaded and I will ask Nicolas to give me access.


PS: you can view the diff on the PR and simply copy the code over to your files if easier

On May 11, 2021, at 11:47 AM, Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at BWH.HARVARD.EDU<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at BWH.HARVARD.EDU>> wrote:

Hi Cecile,

In my testing dataset I have only one subject, I can share it with you in the LORIS sftp, does that work for you?

In the mean time I will diff and pull your PR, and then execute it. I’ll send you the output asap.


On May 11, 2021, at 11:36 AM, Cecile Madjar <cecile.madjar at mcin.ca<mailto:cecile.madjar at mcin.ca>> wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alfredo,

I do not have access to your dataset but is it possible that there is one or more sub-<ID> in the participants.tsv that are different from the sub-<ID> used in the directory structure? (a.k.a., folders sub-<ID> and filenames that should start with sub-<ID>.)

This function is specifically cross checking the list provided in the participants.tsv file and the information gathered by the BIDSLayout library that read your BIDS dataset.

I created a PR on LORIS-MRI to elaborate the log from the function you just sent: https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/pull/617<https://secure-web.cisco.com/17BHyJzFWfexg2et-D1qxjFw7-MsSpwCyZsKHDjuQa1Iruj-GV8fZRnaNOQe7rTfFaljPkHD9E0Kch6nwzSvbbe_48vUcKT3ozGDvxPfpe248W0Nml3EbqwefqTQo6V0gIBseIrXtJ4qwpUnrLVYpwZQyTPaDCbkm_NqrpLrBeXaHi-m5KCVluJqMYsb1DZBrqFL_XKJiIevFuiValC7eTehDRbTek9A5RvYsPN6hDTzEHFPQfCzzRD6W_iQSp80c_PbAKgxDUVLU2cePcP45pg/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris-MRI%2Fpull%2F617> Maybe try adding the print statement in the diff of the PR to your code and rerun to get a better idea of what is going on?

Let me know how it goes,


On May 10, 2021, at 4:15 PM, Morales Pinzon, Alfredo <AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu<mailto:AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

Dear LorisDev team.

I am running the BIDS uploading functionality of LORIS (from this PR suggested by Cecile: https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI/pull/558/files<https://secure-web.cisco.com/1eWQtSLH8tHTpC1qsinKLnr4amf7Vdt1MLFNigX4jKdNz2mAoHV9ejLLcHZh1a0CUaUlzZMYTU9qzLaUEYYpyP1cl5UCR8e02WTmdMZUKXBNDeD8-cV2O5yTv8cgci7szP_MIGsvZ7FCjhqVmibPUnMFYbs6uYHGXZHOB5MsouWYLRHh89rJtQaFS8DOg4jfbwjp1bxwnO4FyuD3aKRv17dw9zoczaaXWnkbXXr87i6NQKYmA1NXhjM570IkyzSKuq-dlKj94vTZIlAChD5aFeg/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Faces%2FLoris-MRI%2Fpull%2F558%2Ffiles> ) but I’m getting the following error (see all the output below):

ERROR: Participant ID mismatch between participants.tsv and raw data found in the BIDS directory/n

After some debugging I saw that the array subjects in the following line is empty:

I thought the issue was that we have symbolic links in our folder structure but after setting a testing example I am getting the same exact error.

Any ideas why this is happening? The error does not help much. I’m happy to share the testing case, with all the BIDS structure to a LORIS developer, if this is helpful.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


/PROJECT/bin/mri/python_virtualenvs/loris-mri-python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/layout/validation.py:46: UserWarning: The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control indexing is likely to be removed in future; possibly as early as PyBIDS 0.14. This includes the `config_filename`, `ignore`, `force_index`, and `index_metadata` arguments. The recommended usage pattern is to initialize a new BIDSLayoutIndexer with these arguments, and pass it to the BIDSLayout via the `indexer` argument.
  warnings.warn("The ability to pass arguments to BIDSLayout that control "

Connecting to:
        database: DATABASE
        username: USERDATABASE
        hostname: 111.222.333.444
        port    : 3306

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

Executing query:
        SELECT Value FROM Config WHERE ConfigID = (SELECT ID FROM ConfigSettings WHERE Name = %s);

With arguments:

Loading the BIDS dataset with BIDS layout library...

        => BIDS dataset loaded with BIDS layout

Grepping candidates from the BIDS layout...
Validating the list of participants...

ERROR: Participant ID mismatch between participants.tsv and raw data found in the BIDS directory/n

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