[Loris-dev] 403 Unauthorized when trying to use imaging_browser

Paul Novak pnovak2 at uoregon.edu
Mon Jul 27 11:45:33 EDT 2020


After uploading images using the imaging_uploader module, I am trying to view the images through the imaging browser (imaging_browser/viewSession/?sessionID=2). However, that page always returns 403 Unauthorized and displays a standard “You do not have access to this page” page. I am currently logged in as an admin user to LORIS and the list of permissions have all the permissions for imaging_browser module selected or enabled. The loris-error.log in /var/log/apache2/ doesn’t have any errors at the time I am trying to access this module. I am using LORIS 23.0.1.

How can I view the images? What can I do to further troubleshoot this problem?


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