[Loris-dev] Imaging visits in front-end but no UploadIDs in the database

Morales Pinzon, Alfredo AMORALESPINZON at bwh.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 13 20:16:24 EDT 2020

Dear LorisDev Team,

I recently removed all the UploadIDs from a study using the script “delete_imaging_upload.pl”. However, in the front-end I can see some imaging visits for some candidates of the study.

Here is an example for one visit:

Here is the imaging session for one the Candidates with the issue:
select * from session where CandID in (450030) \G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                  ID: 845
              CandID: 450030
            CenterID: 60
             VisitNo: 1
         Visit_label: m00
        SubprojectID: 2
           Submitted: N
       Current_stage: Not Started
   Date_stage_change: NULL
           Screening: NULL
      Date_screening: NULL
               Visit: NULL
          Date_visit: NULL
            Approval: NULL
       Date_approval: NULL
              Active: Y
         Date_active: 2017-11-10
        RegisteredBy: 5216-ICR_dataman
              UserID: 5216-ICR_dataman
     Date_registered: 2017-11-10
            Testdate: 2017-11-30 11:07:25
    Hardcopy_request: -
         BVLQCStatus: NULL
           BVLQCType: NULL
      BVLQCExclusion: NULL
                 QCd: NULL
           Scan_done: Y
        MRIQCPending: N
MRIQCFirstChangeTime: NULL
 MRIQCLastChangeTime: NULL
           MRICaveat: false

However, there is no TarchiveID associated with the session id in the mri_upload table
select TarchiveID from mri_upload where SessionID=845 \G;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Any ideas on how can I fix this.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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