[Loris-dev] Installing Data Query Tool on centOS 6.10

DANSO Sammy samuel.danso at ed.ac.uk
Thu Aug 30 12:16:12 EDT 2018

Hi All,

I am trying to install Data Query Tool on centOS 6.10 but having difficulties and would need some help.

 - I have Erlang/OTP 21 installed

-  Tested erl  with  crypto:start().  showing OK - suggesting crypto is also installed.

-  I have erica-0.3.0 successfully compiled and installed.

However testing erica gives the following error:

=> erica create-app

Uncaugt error in erica : {'EXIT',


                                                      [{couchbeam, start,[ ] ,[ ]},

                                                        {erica_core, run,1,

                                                            [file,"src/erica_core.erl"} , {line, 41} ] },

                                                        {erica, main, 1,

                                                            [file,"src/erica.erl"} , {line, 12} ] },

                                                        {escript, run, 2,

                                                             [file,"escript.erl"} , {line, 758} ] },

                                                        {escript, start, 1,

                                                              [file,"escript.erl"} , {line, 277} ] },

                                                        {init, start_em, 1, [ ] }

                                                        {init, do_boot, 3 [ ] } ] } }

Any suggestions would be much appreciated !




Centre for Dementia Prevention & Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences.

The University of Edinburgh

Email: samuel.danso at ed.ac.uk
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