[Loris-dev] Setting up LORIS instance -- help with PSCID

Michael Joseph michael.joseph at sickkids.ca
Thu Mar 9 14:14:17 EST 2017

Thank you for your reply Christine.

I think I was a little confused earlier by the PSCID and DCCID. From what I understand now, the PSCID is static for each site and the DCCID changes for each subject. The full subject ID is a combination of $PSCID_$DCCID_$Visit_label. So to suit our study, the PSCID could be $projectname_$sitename. And the DCCID could be changed to manual entry of a 4 digit code instead of a randomly generated 6 digit code. Is this correct?


From: Christine Rogers [christine.rogers at mcgill.ca]
Sent: March 9, 2017 1:42 PM
To: Michael Joseph
Cc: loris-dev at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Subject: Re: Setting up LORIS instance -- help with PSCID

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your question - since this is a technical/setup issue, I'm responding to you as well as the Loris-dev listserv for any further input from the Loris team and community, since another Loris project out there may have already implemented the solution you're looking for.

I'm setting up a LORIS instance and am having trouble setting up the rules for the PSCID. I'd like the PSCID to have the structure: $projectname_$sitename_4digitcode (eg. AAA01_CDE_0001). Is there a way to do this in the config.xml?
This is what I have currently. Is there a way to call the "Name" column in Project and the "Alias" column in psc to get all the site codes (instead of siteAbbrev which only lets you register candidates from your site)?
        <seq type="????" />
        <seq type="static" "_"/>
        <seq type="set" CDE|FGH|IJK|LMN/>
        <seq type="static" "_"/>
        <seq type="numeric" minLength="4"/>

Someone with a little coding knowledge can easily customize and adapt the Candidate:validatePSCID()<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_aces_Loris_blob_17.0-2Ddev_php_libraries_Candidate.class.inc-23L797&d=DQMFaQ&c=Dvjge31PR3JZstzk2paJYiflTxRSxp35GBhsbHdd2Zw&r=tKjGFUipnzrGVnXuVE1v6Q1Z3FG_u0KhQBt7AXF9Blk&m=voTamHhVFeA68lzguNPR1MFyiko8C7fz0dVJ7bvvBGk&s=mYq2BZomO_PPb8HEzj5YhDzhbmrgFj6Zn4-rUJaHArQ&e=> and Utility class functions<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_aces_Loris_blob_17.0-2Ddev_php_libraries_Utility.class.inc-23L377&d=DQMFaQ&c=Dvjge31PR3JZstzk2paJYiflTxRSxp35GBhsbHdd2Zw&r=tKjGFUipnzrGVnXuVE1v6Q1Z3FG_u0KhQBt7AXF9Blk&m=voTamHhVFeA68lzguNPR1MFyiko8C7fz0dVJ7bvvBGk&s=GSuRWnRM11fsR7hdFCuplAdY6XZgjVCVaHj6eHVaMyA&e=> that check for a specific pattern in user-input PSCID formatting.

E.g. you could adapt these functions to check all site abbreviations (or Alias), and could define in config.xml a new <seq> type for project, and add a little code to validate this (across all valid projects).

Also note we're currently adapting the User-Site relationship<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_aces_Loris_pull_2468&d=DQMFaQ&c=Dvjge31PR3JZstzk2paJYiflTxRSxp35GBhsbHdd2Zw&r=tKjGFUipnzrGVnXuVE1v6Q1Z3FG_u0KhQBt7AXF9Blk&m=voTamHhVFeA68lzguNPR1MFyiko8C7fz0dVJ7bvvBGk&s=zyBC0cnDG8PWDloVj0J1cI2pVXC-uTfW6Es7nkvG-Bs&e=> for Loris 17.1 to allow users to register a candidate at any site the user is appropriately attached to.


christine.rogers at mcgill.ca<mailto:christine.rogers at mcgill.ca>
LORIS data systems | loris.ca<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__loris.ca_&d=DQMFaQ&c=Dvjge31PR3JZstzk2paJYiflTxRSxp35GBhsbHdd2Zw&r=tKjGFUipnzrGVnXuVE1v6Q1Z3FG_u0KhQBt7AXF9Blk&m=voTamHhVFeA68lzguNPR1MFyiko8C7fz0dVJ7bvvBGk&s=Fmbualp3ONKJHGEDB1HZmqMGePP4L3SfI0oPhv8V6GU&e=>
McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience | MCIN.ca
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University | Montreal | Canada

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Michael Joseph> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm setting up a LORIS instance and am having trouble setting up the rules for the PSCID. I'd like the PSCID to have the structure: $projectname_$sitename_4digitcode (eg. AAA01_CDE_0001). Is there a way to do this in the config.xml?

This is what I have currently. Is there a way to call the "Name" column in Project and the "Alias" column in psc to get all the site codes (instead of siteAbbrev which only lets you register candidates from your site)?

        <seq type="????" />
        <seq type="static" "_"/>
        <seq type="set" CDE|FGH|IJK|LMN/>
        <seq type="static" "_"/>
        <seq type="numeric" minLength="4"/>



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