[Loris-dev] FW: Loris Developers' Workshops

Tom Beaudry waveflux at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 16:06:03 EST 2015


I'd be interested in attending!

Have a nice day,

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Dave MacFarlane <
david.macfarlane2 at mcgill.ca> wrote:

> For any Loris developers who didn't receive this email, please see below.
> - Dave
> ------------------------------
> From: david.macfarlane2 at mcgill.ca
> To: david.macfarlane2 at mcgill.ca
> Subject: Loris Developers' Workshops
> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 16:10:09 -0500
> Hi all,
> As I brought up at the ADM, I'd like to get some feedback on the idea of
> organizing some Loris Developers' Works Hops, inspired by the BrainBrowser
> workshops that Tarek organized before leaving. The goal would be to
> transfer
> all the knowledge about everything developers need to know about Loris. It
> would be open to anyone (not just the Loris team) who might be interested
> in
> working on Loris or knowing how Loris works, but probably starting
> internally
> in the lab.
> There's two ways this could happen:
> 1. A full day event.
> 2. A regular hour long weekly event (until finished.)
> I'd prefer option 2, but I'm not opposed to 1.
> The type of topics that I'd cover are:
> 1. Loris code structure (what are different directories, what do they
> contain)
> 2. Third party tools used by Loris (composer, smarty, phpunit,
> PHP_Codesniffer, HTML_QuickForm...)
>    What are they and how are they used?
> 3. Loris base classes
> 4. Loris module structure - what are modules and how do they work?
>     (would explain the structure and design of modules in general, not any
> module
>      in particular -- there's too many)
>     (probably using the BigBrain Loris modules as an example since the
> modules are
>      simpler)
> 5. Loris test coverage and coding style -- what gets tested automatically?
> What doesn't? Why?
> 6. How do HTTP requests get handled? (Loris entry point, how the
> dispatching works)
> 7. How is configuration handled?
> 8. How are errors handled?
> 9. Overriding Loris functionality (project directory)
> 10. Etc
> Basically, the goal is to transfer enough knowledge in enough depth that a
> competent
> developer would be able to sit down and start hacking on Loris, and it
> would act as a
> refresher for people who don't hack on the code every day. Where possible,
> I'd try and
> include enough historical background to know why things are done the way
> they are.
> What I'd mainly like to know is:
> 1. Are you interested in following a series of workshops about this?
> 2. What topics would you like to have covered?
>    (Doesn't have to be from the above, those are just generally the type
>     of topic that I have in mind.)
> If there's enough interest, I'll see what I can do to get it going...
> Thanks,
> Dave
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