[MINC-users] mritotal models (OS X)

Pedro Telles Cougo Pinto ptcougopinto at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 14:48:18 EST 2015


I installed minc-toolkit for OS X (minc-toolkit-1.9.10-20150710-Darwin-10.9-x86_64.dmg <http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/minc-toolkit/MacOSX/minc-toolkit-1.9.10-20150710-Darwin-10.9-x86_64.dmg>) and I’m having some issues with models for mritotal. I would appreciate any help.

First, the installation puts mritotal.cfg (and other mritotal .cfg files) at /opt/minc-itk4/etc, however mritotal still tries to find the .cfg files at /opt/minc-itk4/etc/mni_autoreg/ . I simply moved the .cfg files to a newly created /opt/minc-itk4/etc/mni_autoreg directory, but I’m not sure about the best definitive fix for this (changing the package file architecture?).

I used the most recent model files from http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca: bic-mni-models-0.1.1-20120421.dmg <http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/minc-toolkit/MacOSX/bic-mni-models-0.1.1-20120421.dmg> to get ICBM152 files and mni305_lin_minc2.zip <http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/mni-models/mni305/mni305_lin_minc2.zip> (README gives compiling instructions, but the zip comes only with the .mnc files) for the 305 model, all located to /opt/minc/share (mritotal.cfg was edited to reflect this). Running mritotal gives the following message:

Loading configuration file /opt/minc-itk4/bin/../etc/mni_autoreg/mritotal.cfg
Loading protocol default (protocol file = /opt/minc-itk4/bin/../etc/mni_autoreg/mritotal.default.cfg)
/opt/minc/share/average305_t1_tal_lin_16_blur.mnc does not exist
/opt/minc/share/average305_t1_tal_lin_8_blur.mnc does not exist
/opt/minc/share/average305_t1_tal_lin_8_dxyz.mnc does not exist
/opt/minc/share/average305_t1_tal_lin_16_mask.mnc does not exist
/opt/minc/share/average305_t1_tal_lin_8_mask.mnc does not exist
Died at /opt/minc-itk4/bin/mritotal line 728.

Were these 305 files supposed to be built as part of compiling? Both bic-mni-models-0.1.1-20120421.dmg <http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/minc-toolkit/MacOSX/bic-mni-models-0.1.1-20120421.dmg> and mni305_lin_minc2.zip <http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/mni-models/mni305/mni305_lin_minc2.zip> were from 2012; am I trying to get the models from wrong sources?


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