[MINC-users] mincreeample transformation problem

Colin Shaun Hawco, M colin.hawco at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed Apr 3 12:40:37 EDT 2013

And an example EPI Image

netcdf epi_file {
        zspace = 30 ;
        yspace = 64 ;
        xspace = 64 ;
        int zspace ;
                zspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                zspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                zspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                zspace:comments = "Z increases from patient inferior to superior" ;
                zspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                zspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                zspace:step = 5.00000023980207 ;
                zspace:units = "mm" ;
                zspace:start = -69.2670692002613 ;
                zspace:direction_cosines = 0.0886361496853597, -0.0451411970661573, 0.995040655097262 ;
        int yspace ;
                yspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                yspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                yspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                yspace:comments = "Y increases from patient posterior to anterior" ;
                yspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                yspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                yspace:step = 3.99999998616676 ;
                yspace:units = "mm" ;
                yspace:start = -114.419242845404 ;
                yspace:direction_cosines = -0.0666440429608072, 0.996465269196971, 0.0511423388402057 ;
        int xspace ;
                xspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                xspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                xspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                xspace:comments = "X increases from patient left to right" ;
                xspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                xspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                xspace:step = -3.9999998858578 ;
                xspace:units = "mm" ;
                xspace:start = 137.159234295035 ;
                xspace:direction_cosines = 0.993832080113542, 0.070846596891737, -0.0853144550826576 ;
        double image-max ;
                image-max:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-max:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-max:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-max:_FillValue = 1. ;
                image-max:parent = "image" ;
        double image-min ;
                image-min:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-min:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-min:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-min:_FillValue = 0. ;
                image-min:parent = "image" ;
        int study ;
                study:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                study:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                study:vartype = "group________" ;
                study:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
        int rootvariable ;
                rootvariable:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                rootvariable:vartype = "group________" ;
                rootvariable:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                rootvariable:parent = "" ;
                rootvariable:children = "study\n",
                        "image" ;
        int patient ;
                patient:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                patient:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                patient:vartype = "group________" ;
                patient:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                patient:full_name = "3T 2D EP TR=3000ms/TE=30ms/FA=90deg 24-Jul-2012 11:33:1.78 Mosaic" ;
        int acquisition ;
                acquisition:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                acquisition:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                acquisition:vartype = "group________" ;
                acquisition:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
        short image(zspace, yspace, xspace) ;
                image:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                image:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image:vartype = "group________" ;
                image:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image:image-max = "--->image-max" ;
                image:image-min = "--->image-min" ;
                image:signtype = "signed__" ;
                image:valid_range = 0., 2049. ;

// global attributes:
                :ident = "chawc:node17:2013." ;
                :minc_version = "2.1.01" ;
                :history = "Tue Mar  5 09:52:34 2013>>> nii2mnc -quiet tf240720121100-113301-00033-00033-1.hdr /imaging/scratch/Daskalakis/chawc/Data/minc/p121/run1/tf240720121100-113301-00033-00033-1.mnc\n",
                        "" ;

 zspace = _ ;

 yspace = _ ;

 xspace = _ ;

 image-max = 2049 ;

 image-min = 0 ;

 study = _ ;

 rootvariable = _ ;

 patient = _ ;

 acquisition = _ ;

And just to be complete, the EPI Template image to which I want to resample the EPI data

netcdf EPI_template {
        zspace = 91 ;
        yspace = 109 ;
        xspace = 91 ;
        int zspace ;
                zspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                zspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                zspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                zspace:comments = "Z increases from patient inferior to superior" ;
                zspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                zspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                zspace:step = 2. ;
                zspace:units = "mm" ;
                zspace:start = -72. ;
                zspace:direction_cosines = 0., 0., 1. ;
        int yspace ;
                yspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                yspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                yspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                yspace:comments = "Y increases from patient posterior to anterior" ;
                yspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                yspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                yspace:step = 2. ;
                yspace:units = "mm" ;
                yspace:start = -126. ;
                yspace:direction_cosines = 0., 1., 0. ;
        int xspace ;
                xspace:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                xspace:vartype = "dimension____" ;
                xspace:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                xspace:comments = "X increases from patient left to right" ;
                xspace:spacing = "regular__" ;
                xspace:alignment = "centre" ;
                xspace:step = -2. ;
                xspace:units = "mm" ;
                xspace:start = 90. ;
                xspace:direction_cosines = 1., -0., -0. ;
        double image-max ;
                image-max:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-max:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-max:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-max:_FillValue = 1. ;
                image-max:parent = "image" ;
        double image-min ;
                image-min:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image-min:vartype = "var_attribute" ;
                image-min:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image-min:_FillValue = 0. ;
                image-min:parent = "image" ;
        int study ;
                study:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                study:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                study:vartype = "group________" ;
                study:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
        int rootvariable ;
                rootvariable:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                rootvariable:vartype = "group________" ;
                rootvariable:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                rootvariable:parent = "" ;
                rootvariable:children = "study\n",
                        "image" ;
        int patient ;
                patient:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                patient:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                patient:vartype = "group________" ;
                patient:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                patient:full_name = "NIFTI-1 Image" ;
        int acquisition ;
                acquisition:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                acquisition:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                acquisition:vartype = "group________" ;
                acquisition:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
        byte image(zspace, yspace, xspace) ;
                image:parent = "rootvariable" ;
                image:varid = "MINC standard variable" ;
                image:vartype = "group________" ;
                image:version = "MINC Version    1.0" ;
                image:image-max = "--->image-max" ;
                image:image-min = "--->image-min" ;
                image:signtype = "unsigned" ;
                image:valid_range = 0., 255. ;

// global attributes:
                :ident = "colin:penfield:2012." ;
                :minc_version = "2.1.01" ;
                :history = "Mon Nov  5 14:08:29 2012>>> nii2mnc /projects/colin/work/spm8/templates/EPI.nii /projects/colin/EPI_template.mnc\n",
                        "" ;

 zspace = _ ;

 yspace = _ ;

 xspace = _ ;

 image-max = 0.831372529501095 ;

 image-min = 0 ;

 study = _ ;

 rootvariable = _ ;

 patient = _ ;

 acquisition = _ ;

I very much appreciate the help!

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